Archive for 2013

HEY, IT’S THE 21ST CENTURY SUBSTITUTE FOR TAR AND FEATHERS: “The U.S. Attorney’s Office is fighting to keep the names of those involved in the federal prosecution against Internet activist Aaron Swartz under court seal, arguing prosecutors have been victims of hacking and death threats. . . . Swartz’s lawyers and prosecutors agree to redact personal information, such as email addresses and phone numbers from the court documents, but prosecutors and MIT have filed their opposition to releasing the names of those involved.” Prosecuting someone criminally is a public event.

A LOOK AT the Samsung Galaxy S4. My concern is that it’ll be too big to fit in a pocket.

FRACKING UPDATE: U.S. Poaches Industry From Europe With Shale Gas:

The sweet scent of cheap gas is luring manufacturing back to the United States. The German chemicals company BASF is one of many energy-intensive firms looking to open plants stateside. . . .

American government got out of the way of innovative drilling companies and allowed the shale boom to take off. Europe took the opposite tack, choosing to stick to its green policies and snub shale. As a result, natural gas prices in the US are a quarter of what they are in Europe. And as industry departs, unemployment in the Euro zone is hitting a record high. That’s yet another failure that can be laid at the feet of Europe’s greens.

Along with those ethanol-fuel “crimes against humanity,” of which our government, alas, is also guilty.

K-12 IMPLOSION UPDATE: Study: K-12 Admin. Employment Outpaces Student Growth. “The Friedman Foundation for Economic Choice recently released a study that showed the amount of administrators (non-teachers) in the K-12 public education system has increased over 700 percent since 1950, while the amount of students has increased by only 96 percent.”

JAMES TARANTO: Those Courageous Racists: Left-wing bigots pat themselves on the back. “The NSF is a federal agency, so your tax dollars have subsidized the authors of what can only be described as a racist rant. . . . What’s even weirder about the Childress twins’ piece is that their counterfactual actually is not counterfactual at all if you broaden the scope beyond acts of mass murder to murder more generally or all violent crime. Blacks do in fact commit a large disproportion of violent crimes, and while the subject is not taboo in respectable public debate, it is delicate. . . . But the absolute strangest thing about the twins’ racist rant is the self-satisfied tone. They think they’re breaking a taboo, bravely challenging convention by scapegoating white men. Give us a break. Antiwhite and antimale bigotry couldn’t be less courageous or more clichéd. It’s been a constant feature of academic discourse for decades and of journalistic writing for years. It has been the dominant theme of political coverage since Barack Obama’s re-election.”

NEWS FROM ACADEME: E-Mail Snooping at Harvard Broader Than First Admitted. “The university acknowledged the additional searching Tuesday in a meeting with faculty members. University officials said that their goal was to protect the confidentiality rights of students caught up in a cheating scandal. But the e-mail searches have angered many faculty members. Drew Faust, the president, announced that she has asked a lawyer to study the full extent of the e-mail searches, and that she is creating a committee to develop recommendations about the issue of e-mail privacy.”

JOURNALISM: Globie’s cab crash raises eyebrows. “A Boston Globe reporter masquerading as a Hub taxi driver gave a disputed version of a two-car crash that sent him and his two passengers to the hospital in a front-page story yesterday that’s raising questions about liability and whether he misrepresented himself. The one-sided account of the crash, included in a report about Boston’s cab industry, also came after the reporter appeared to conceal his Globe employment in an application to the cab company that hired him.”