Archive for 2010

VIRGINIA: Yoo to speak at UVa forum; protest planned. Wonder if any pro-Yoo protesters will show up?

UPDATE: Reader Ian Watson emails:

I’m a Boalt student, and he taught a class right next to my tax class last semester. At the beginning of the semester there were a bunch of protesters that would just invade the school (orange jump suits, black hoods, the whole shebang). There were never “pro-Yoo” protesters here, but he does have support from many students. The thing is, most of his supports wouldn’t really be considered “pro-Yoo”, rather more like “anti-these idiots that invade our school.” I remember walking out of my class and having some moron shove flyers in my face, his friend blowing some whistle, and all of them being generally disruptive. I thought, “do these people understand that most of these students know the issue better than they do, likely already have strong opinions that won’t be changed by your legally incorrect flyer, and just want you to get the f*%^ out?” I told them as much.

What the people that advocate for these disruptions don’t understand (such as Andrew “don’t allow Yoo in civilized company” Sullivan) is that administrators likely won’t change their actions simply because of these idiots. Anyone that invites Yoo to speak already has a (likely educated) opinion of the man and his work, and won’t allow these people to dissuade them. Anyone that would be, likely wouldn’t invite him in the first place. So all we get is a pointless, mindless disruption that interrupts the rest of us… all in the support of “civilization” or some such idiocy.

It’s only support of civilization when you shout down people with the wrong ideas. Otherwise it’s “McCarthyism,” or something.

EVERY MAN a sex addict? “The treatment for sexual addiction is a form of pseudo-redemptive window dressing in which no one, especially the addict himself, really believes.”

TIMES CHANGE: Back in 1967, this was your average camcorder. “Actually, the Ampex VR-3000 backpack—only $42,000 for the basic recorder without accessories—with BC-300 BW Camera—just $12,685—was the only camcorder available.”

Now you can get a camera that is in many ways superior, but that fits in a pocket and costs less than $200.

UPDATE: Reader Jerry Davis emails:

I worked with one of those 3000’s. The blurb’s not quite accurate, in that they recorded either NTSC or PAL, not both. The four heads were attached to a wheel that rotated across the width of the videotape. That mechanism was needed because recording video requires a high head-to-tape speed, and the only other way to get it would have required huge reels of tape moving very fast.

The actual move from film to video for newsgathering came a few years later, in the early seventies. It was primarily driven by the availability of the Norelco PCP-70 portable color camera, and the Sony portable 3/4 inch tape recorder.

Those with a technical bent might be interested in knowing that the 3000 had no capstan pinch-roller, resulting in the tape speed varying from the front to the back of the reel. Playing the material back on a studio quad recorder required you to constantly adjust speed. They also had no built-in color playback capability. And the bloody thing weighed about 30 pounds. Lots of fun jogging up a hill with one of those on your back.

TV cameramen used to be big guys; now not always.

MILES O’BRIEN: To the Moon? I think not, Alice…. “While I give the Administration plan high marks for its steely-eyed reassessment of priorities – it did a horrible job telling this story.”


UPDATE: While not at all racy, this story may be NSFW in some Taliban-like workplaces — which apparently are pretty common.

HOW FAT IS too fat to fly? “Airlines need to acknowledge that the current policies aren’t solving a problem but are rather turning one passenger’s comfort into another passenger’s embarrassment. Another solution must be found. (How about some wider seats in coach?)” Now that’s crazy talk!

IN THE MAIL: From Poul Anderson: David Falkayn: Star Trader. Glad they’re keeping this classic stuff in print.

CBS NEWS: Americans Running Out of Patience on Health Care, Polls Show. “The poll, taken before the president unveiled his health care proposal earlier this week, gives the president his lowest marks on handling health care to date. Nearly half (48 percent) of Americans say he has spent too much time on the issue, and increased economic concerns have led to a majority (53 percent) that now say the U.S. cannot afford to fix health care at this time. . . . One problem for the president is that, so far, he has been unable to convince Americans that they will benefit from health care reforms. CBS News Polls conducted throughout the health care debate have found that only about one in five Americans think health care reform will benefit them personally.”

PEJMAN YOUSEFZADEH interviews Bruce Bartlett. “I have yet to find anyone on the right who takes any of my arguments seriously.”

TOM BLUMER: An Orchestrated Campaign Against Toyota in Overdrive? “An unsettling series of events before its leaders’ congressional testimony points to just that. . . . I do hope that the folks at Toyota fully appreciate the ugliness they’re up against.”