Archive for 2010

“YOU WOULDN’T LIKE ME WHEN I’M ANGRY.” What makes him think we’re crazy about him when he’s cheerful? Still, it could be a lot worse . . .

FREQUENT EMAILER C.J. BURCH notes that his books are on Amazon. Given all his pithy comments, a plug seems only fair.

DAILY BEAST: Obama’s 10 Biggest Health Care Mistakes: “The Daily Beast breaks down the strategic missteps that drained Obama’s political capital—and left him empty-handed on his top domestic priority.”

TUNKU VARADARAJAN: What Was Obama Thinking? “Was he trying to make the Republicans look bad—retrograde ogres who would leave uninsured babies to die in their cribs? If so, he didn’t succeed at all. On the contrary, they came out of it looking rather alert and grown-up. . . . The marathon TV teach-in—in which Obama was more schoolmarm than president—should be regarded by Democrats as a great disappointment. They made no clear gain, and won no clear argument. . . . What was so striking about the summit was the preparedness of the Republicans. All of them had done their homework: Lamar Alexander, Tom Coburn, John Kyl, John McCain, Dave Camp, John Barrosso, and Paul Ryan. The Democrats, by contrast, suffered from an acute case of “anecdotitis” (is it a preexisting condition?)”

R.I.P. Chilly B.

HMM: David Gergen on the summit: Republicans had their best day in years. “Obama’s problem today was that he couldn’t fly solo; he tried to, speaking for more minutes at the meeting than either the Democrats or Republicans did, but surrounding him with sad sacks like Reid and Harkin was bound to dilute the effect.”

UPDATE: Slate: Obama and Republicans seemed reasonable. That’s bad news for Democrats.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader James Somers offers two ways to tell that the Dems lost the health care summit today:

If you look right now:

1. It’s not the lead headline on CNN.
2. It’s not the lead headline on the NYT.

If this had turned out the way it was supposed to, it would be leading both of those sites in 60 point font.

Well, 32 point, anyway.

MORE: No comfort for Obama from ABC News.

Plus, a wrapup, with some video, from Ann Althouse. Plus, from the comments:

WTF? The world is all screwed up, and it’s not even Wacky Wednesday…

Here we have a Republican speaking thoughtfully about finance. I thought all that Republicans spoke about was how God loved them, how God hates gays, and how they want to crush the testicles of the children of terrorist suspects.

And we have a Democrat Rep named Slaughter – from New York no less – telling her folksy tale with a hick accent.

The world turned upside down. And Stacy McCain, predictably enough, takes the low road. Is there some kind of a Max Blumenthal connection?

FINALLY: If there were a right-leaning Jon Stewart, this clip would absolutely lead off tonight. . . . .

SOME TOYOTA PRAISE: So, my Highlander Hybrid is the first Toyota I ever owned, and I’ve had it for going on five years now. In over 80,000 miles it’s been a great car, nearly trouble-free, and very pleasant to drive while getting excellent mileage. I would absolutely buy another one, and if the Toyota love-us-again deals get good enough, might do so sooner rather than later.

Am I under-appreciating the “sudden unintended acceleration” issue? Maybe. I can’t help but remember the Audi stink, which sounded very similar but turned out to be because people were stepping on the gas when they thought they were stepping on the brake. P.J. O’Rourke wrote a hilarious chapter on that, and the bureaucratic response, in his A Parliament of Whores, and I assign that chapter to my Administrative Law class at the beginning of the semester.

AMY BISHOP UPDATE: Norfolk DA seeks an inquest in Seth Bishop’s 1986 death. “Saying he had questions about the original investigation, Norfolk District Attorney William R. Keating today requested an inquest into the death of Seth Bishop, who was killed by his sister, Amy, in 1986 in Braintree.”

NIKOLA TESLA’S LETTERHEAD. Okay, now that’s cool. (Via BoingBoing).