Archive for 2010

CHANGE: Personal Income Drops Across the Country. “Personal income in 42 states fell in 2009, the Commerce Department said Thursday.” But it was up in Washington, DC!

ANDREW IAN DODGE: What’s next for the Tea Party movement: “The tea party movement must realize effectiveness comes less from rallies and more from getting fiscal conservatives into office.”

A LOOK AT OBAMA’S CURRENT MEDIA STRATEGY: “As Ben Smith points out, during the campaign, Obama played down any notion of his opposition as extreme, confrontational, or otherwise divisive. In essence, he didn’t want America to become afraid of him as a candidate due to his being too controversial. But things have changed.”

CHARLIE MARTIN ON political threats theater. “Talking Points Memo, Daily Kos, and other paradigmatic left-side blogs are collapsing in waves of maidenly vapors over this. . . . It’s political theater, and poor theater at that.”

Plus, a discussion of Courtland Milloy’s violent language.

CHANGE? New poll finds Obama tied with Anybody in 2012 vote. Plus this: “Among Obama’s base of traditional Democrats, surprisingly one-in-five now thinks a different candidate might be a good idea in 2012. . . . Watch that 20% number; also how long Hillary Clinton stays over at the State Department.”

TEA PARTY PROTESTERS: Not “ordinary Americans,” but extraordinary Americans.

AN IMPLAUSIBLE REPORT IN THE SEATTLE TIMES: “A rock was thrown through the window of Driehaus’ Cincinnati office Sunday.”

Justin Binik-Thomas emails from Cincinnati that Rep. Driehaus’ office “is on the 30th floor of a skyscraper downtown.” He also says that he spoke to Driehaus’ office today and they said this never happened. Which is too bad, in a way, as the Reds could use a guy with an arm like that . . . .

The Seattle Times should run a correction.

UPDATE: Heh. Josh Marshall and the Democrats are Rubber. We’re Glue. Except For Our 30 Story Tall Rock Throwing Giant. “If the left burns down their own straw men, can we have them arrested for arson? That seems to be where we are headed.”

JOHN STOSSEL: They Fly First Class: “Will you and your family put off a vacation this year because you can’t afford it? Too bad, because you have paid for some terrific trips — for government bureaucrats. The Washington Times reports that last year $13 billion in tax dollars was spent to pamper ‘public servants’ on trips that double as vacation junkets.” Like I say, I don’t want to hear any lecturing about my carbon footprint from these people.

HOW TO MAKE A FRENCH 75: I don’t think I’ve had one of these since college, but I remember them fondly.