Archive for 2010


POLITICO: Face Of The Tea Party Is Female. “Many of the tea party’s most influential grass-roots and national leaders are women, and a new poll released this week by Quinnipiac University suggests that women might make up a majority of the movement as well.” This is no surprise to anyone who’s been paying attention.


I just received the official candidates’ notice from the California Secretary of State’s office. It’s on.

There are serious issues to be raised, and I will do my best to raise them.

Is there really no place in the Democratic party for voters who believe in “affirmative government”–including health care reform– but have doubts about the power of public employee unions, including the unions that protect bad teachers?

Is there no place for voters who recognize the immense contributions of immigrants but have doubts giving amnesty before we secure our borders? …

If you share my doubts about current Democratic dogma on these issues, and others, I hope you will join with this effort.

A campaign web site will be up shortly. I’ll link to it from this blog. ( The primary is June 8, more than two months away. An eternity in internet time!

Stay tuned. This should be fun.

OBAMACARE APPROVAL DROPPING AGAIN. Not much of a bounce, there.


Those paydays that New York Times Co. Chairman Arthur Sulzberger and President Janet Robinson received last year are once again coming back to haunt them.

The Boston Newspaper Guild, which absorbed more than $10 million in pay and benefit cuts to members last year in order to save The Boston Globe, has lashed out at the Sulzberger and Robinson 2009 bonuses and are demanding their lost wages and benefits be restored.

“We were astonished to learn that the two of you received more than $10 million in stock awards and options in 2009,” the Guild wrote in an open letter urging its members to send to Sulzberger and Robinson. “During the year for which you were so richly rewarded, the 600 members of the Boston Newspaper Guild gave back almost the same amount in pay and benefit reductions — $10 million to be exact — after you threatened to close our newspaper, lay off hundreds of people, and strip Massachusetts of its largest newspaper.”

Generally, what they condemn in others is what they’re doing themselves . . . .

PROFESSOR BAINBRIDGE on housing sector fragility. “It’s pretty clear that government bailouts aren’t working very well in this sector.”

PUNK’D: Fake Products and Companies Certified by Energy Star. “The Government Accountability Office Punk’d Energy Star recently by submitting fake products and companies for certification. The Environmental Protection Agency’s arbiters of efficiency standards rubber-stamped 15 out of 20 bogus products and a handful of fake firms became Energy Star Partners. Here are three of our favorite fabrications.”

GREG GUTFELD: Anger Is A Right!

So as the anger surrounding the health care bill escalates, many in the media are reporting how the anger surrounding the health care bill is escalating!

Now I’ve been down this road so many times I could navigate it blindfolded and covered in peanut butter.

It goes like this: for the media, anger is only okay if its targets meet their stereotypical, romanticized criteria. Meaning: the corporation, the conservative, the daddy who never loved them.

Here’s a list of people doing angry things the media is okay with:

-People calling Bush a Nazi
-Students and non students rioting on college campuses
-Animal rights freaks dousing rich folks with paint
-Actors wishing average folks would get rectal cancer
-Bureaucrats labeling military vets as potential violent right wing extremists
-Radical environmentalists advocating violence against loggers
-Pranksters throwing pies at conservative commentators (you know, somehow they never pie Michael Moore, which makes him sad; he likes pie)

But this health care bill anger is different from all that – not just because it’s right, but because it involves Obama. And being angry at Obama is like being mad at Santa Claus. How can you be mad at Santa, when he brings us so many gifts?

And so, this anger is scary! It’s a mark of incivility! It’s deadly!

Read the whole thing. Including this advice: “When jackasses try to take away your right to be angry – by calling it racist or extremist – tell them they’re the racists. Because it’s those tools who assume that anger can only be about race. And if they disagree with you, then clearly they’re not just racists – but probably homophobic cannibals, too.”

UPDATE: Reader Cheng-Jih Chen writes:

Perhaps apropos of your post, I’m listening to an NPR piece from a couple of weeks ago on Nina Simone, where the interviewer and the author of a biography on her are praising Simone’s rage and righteous anger during the civil rights era. Civil rights analogies used by ObamaCare proponents cut both ways, I suppose.


JAMES TARANTO: “One sign that ObamaCare is both bad and unpopular is that since its enactment–indeed, since just before its enactment–its supporters have been laboring mightily to change the subject. They’re eager to talk not about their great legislative and social achievement, but about how violent, racist and all-around crazy ObamaCare opponents are. On the whole, this is a false narrative.”

Plus, more on Courtland Milloy’s hate-filled violent rhetoric.