Archive for 2010

REX MURPHY: The Ann Coulter Show and What It Means.

Coulter’s visit, finally, did have one permanent utility. It was another vivid illustration of how elastic and feeble, at least in certain quarters, the Canadian understanding of free speech has become. The idea, evidently held by certain of the protesters, that merely to call something “hate speech” licenses an attempt to halt that speech is depressing because it has become so common.

The talk of the university as a “safe space,” meaning a place when people will neither hear nor confront speech or ideas with which they are not “comfortable,” is politically correct cant of the highest order. It is close to a contradiction of the idea of a university. If Coulter’s tempestuous visit teased a few of these considerations into the minds of those otherwise innocent of them, it was worth all the flurry and the fury.

Read the whole thing.

EMAIL OF THE DAY: A call for civility:

I cannot emphasize this enough: your brand of public discourse is hurting our country. It us poison. So fuck you, you GOP utensil, and fuck your mother for bringing you forth.

Plus this stirring conclusion: “Replies will not be read, you fuck.” With this degree of eloquence and commitment to reasoned debate, he must be a Glenn Greenwald reader. But I blame the hateful, violent rhetoric from Democratic leaders and media figures. They’re like modern-day Klansmen, inciting a mob of ignorant, violent followers. When will they renounce their hateful rhetoric? . . . .

UPDATE: Prof. Stephen Clark writes:

Greenwald reader? Are you sure it wasn’t Greenwald? After all it’s not hard to setup a dummy email account. And we are talking Greenwald here.

Actually, I’ve been fascinated with the Democrats’ harrumphing about political violence. Krugman’s challenge no less! How can any group of people be less self-aware than the Democrats have shown themselves in this latest campaign? What I particularly love is that the entirely predictable and appropriate response by you and others is driving them completely nuts.

Don’t think I need to tell you to keep it up. You’re having too much fun!

Heh. Indeed. And I don’t think it was Greenwald — if it had been him, it would have gone on for many, many more paragraphs. . . .

ANOTHER UPDATE: Hey, thanks for all the concerned emails. But although I get hate mail and the occasional death threat — I guess I should have had a press conference, who knew? — all things considered I don’t get all that much. This one was just funny because it combined the “civility” talking point with f-bomb personal abuse. It’s like he got the talking-points memo but didn’t quite manage to execute. . . .

MADE THE GOAT CHEESE PASTA for dinner tonight. It was good. For some reason, hadn’t done that in a while. Follow the link for the recipe if you’re interested — it’s quick and easy.

MORE ON TODAY’S CLIMATE OF HATRED AND VIOLENCE: Andrew Breitbart Describes Unhinged Harry Reid Supporters on the Attack. I hope that those Democratic politicians and media figures who have incited this sort of violence against the tea parties with their extremist rhetoric will try to rein in their violent followers before their violent rhetoric produces still more political violence.

UPDATE: John Hinderaker: More Thoughts On Liberal Violence.

We talked about this on our radio show today, and several callers reminded us of a particularly sorry episode of liberal violence that, for some reason, has not gotten much attention: the 2008 Republican convention in St. Paul.

I attended the convention and remember the terrorist acts that were carried out by anti-Republican protesters very well. They threw bricks through the windows of buses, sending elderly convention delegates to the hospital. They dropped bags of sand off highway overpasses onto vehicles below. Fortunately, no one was killed.

These were anti-Bush and anti-Republican protesters. Is it a stretch to think that some of them, at least, may have been inspired by over-the-top, hateful attacks on the Bush administration by Democratic Congressmen, DNC Chairman Howard Dean, Michael Moore, who was a guest of honor at the Democrats’ own convention, various show business personalities, and many other leading liberal figures? I don’t think so. We haven’t seen that sort of hate campaign since the Democrats went after Abraham Lincoln. It seems unlikely that none of the “protesters” who tried to commit murder were inspired by those liberal voices.

Yet, hardly anyone seems to be aware of the violence that took place in 2008. At most, the story was treated with a ho-hum attitude in the press. For some reason, political violence was not a concern less than two years ago. Yet today, we can hardly imagine what would happen if a group of tea partiers were to drop sandbags off a highway overpass, trying to kill motorists below. Liberal reporters’ heads would explode. Yet this is exactly what anti-Republican Party protesters did in 2008, and no one cared. To my knowledge, not a single Democratic politician condemned this anti-Republican violence or attempted in any way to distance the Democratic Party from it.

Keep that in mind next time you hear a Democrat whining about the Republican effort to “fire Nancy Pelosi.”


VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: In the end, there is only the debt. “That we are borrowing now at cheap interest hundreds of billions for things that are unnecessary or counterproductive will only make it worse, psychologically, when we have to pay it all back with high interest.”


TRUE ROMANCE: A bouquet of bacon roses.