Archive for 2010

HE’LL BE LUCKY IF IT GOES THAT WELL: Healthcare is Obama’s Iraq. I’ve heard a number of people make this argument, but the Iraq war got bipartisan approval with lots of Democrats supporting it, and it was far more popular than healthcare is.

DANA LOESCH: Now it’s our turn.

BTW, Dana was on O’Reilly tonight, wearing a Public Enemy t-shirt that has — if I remember correctly — “Fight The Power” on the back. Heh.

UPDATE: Yes, it does. Heh, again.

THE CINCINNATI TEA PARTY FOLKS ARE NOT BACKING DOWN: Reader Jennifer Clippard emails: “100 plus turnout and guess what the topic is about? Ohio sent in the maximum number, 3000 signatures to create legislation to nullify the Obamacare mandates requiring purchase of health care insurance in this state.”

RUSS ROBERTS: “The existing legislative promises of Medicare and Social Security are a train wreck that cannot be avoided without radical change. Expanding coverage just brings the train wreck closer. It’s a nice idea but it is unaffordable. We have taken a step closer to Greece. We have taken a step closer to national bankruptcy. I don’t know whether to laugh or to cry about that part.”

JOHN HINDERAKER offers us some Alcee Hastings history. “We are being ruled by people who should be behind bars.”

UPDATE: Reader Kevin Greene emails: “As long as you’re waltzing down memory lane, how about some Robert Byrd history, courtesy of Tony Snow?”

MARKDOWNS ON fitness products. You’ll want to stay healthy, so that the “death panels” don’t get ahold of you . . . .


The debate seems to have driven down the overall approval rating of Congress. One year ago, 30 percent approved of the legislative body. By January, that had slipped to 23 percent. Last month it fell to 15 percent, and in the latest poll it stands at 14 percent. Seventy-six percent of those surveyed say they disapprove of the job Congress is doing.

It has also driven negative perceptions of Washington. More than half of those surveyed said the health care debate made them “more pessimistic” about Washington, while just 14 percent said it made them more optimistic. Twenty-eight percent said the debate made no difference.

Asked if their opinion of the health care bill matched up with that of their representative, more than half of those surveyed said they weren’t sure. One in four said no, while 18 percent said yes.

One in four said their representative’s vote on the bill would make it more likely they would support them in the November midterm elections. A higher percentage — 31 percent — said the vote would make it less likely that they would support their representative. Four in ten said it would not make a difference.


REVIEW: Driving the Tesla Sport. “The Sport is perfectly suited to the high-speed exploration of winding back roads far from civilization. And that’s where you’ll come face to face with the inherent limitations of the Sport’s impressive technology: All batteries, even a beast like the 53-kilowatt-hour pack in the Sport, eventually go dead. And, unless you’re lunching at the Googleplex you’ll be hard-pressed to find somewhere to charge up. Therein lies the quandary of the Roadster Sport. It encourages you — no, it entices you — to explore that squiggly road on the GPS, and it’s so much fun to drive you won’t want to stop. But venture too far and you’ll inevitably think, Will I have the power to get home?”


Kinda depressing to think that 59% of Americans are racist. And Jane Hamsher, too?

UPDATE: Related item here.

Plus this: “The Left’s plan for November is to promote exactly this kind of thinking, shaming opponents into staying at home rather than going to the polls to vote the bums out, while fooling proponents that opposition is nothing more than the most atavistic form of prejudice. With every poll showing that far more voters hate Obamacare than love it (with the balance made up of the lukewarm on both sides of the issue), this is the New York Times’s effort to help shift voter intensity — which spells turnout in November — in favor of Obamacare. We suspect the electorate won’t prove so gullible.”

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Stephen Clark writes: “So, 59% of Americans are racists? Doesn’t that mean that a whole passel of racists voted for Obama – not just poor Ms. Hamsher? Man, talk about confused!” Yeah, as Obama has noted, he was black before he was elected, too. . . .

BUMMER: Bigger Models Make Women Feel Bad About Themselves, Too. “According to a new study by the University of Arizona, ads featuring bigger models don’t actually make most women feel very good about themselves. Apparently, pretty much everything makes women feel like crap about how they look.”