Archive for 2010

THE BIGGEST BOOBS IN AMERICA: No, not Congress. And I guess it’s proof that you really can have too much of a good thing.

WANT TO GET PJTV ON YOUR IPHONE, IPOD, ETC? Just subscribe. Plus, no Geraldo.

CNN POLL: 59% of Americans oppose ObamaCare. Doug Mataconis comments: “This is pretty extraordinary. I don’t think there has ever been a time in American history when such an unpopular piece of legislation has become law by such a narrow, and completely partisan margin. The political consequences could be very interesting.”

UPDATE: I guess you’d have to count Jane Hamsher among the disapproving 59%.

CHANGE: “Without a location outside the United States for sending prisoners, the administration must resort to turning the suspects over to foreign governments, bringing them to the U.S. or even killing them. In one case last year, U.S. special operations forces killed an Al Qaeda-linked suspect named Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan in a helicopter attack in southern Somalia rather than trying to capture him, a U.S. official said. Officials had debated trying to take him alive but decided against doing so in part because of uncertainty over where to hold him, the official added.”

RANDY BARNETT: “This is big. With the passage of the health care bill – especially the way it was passed – the political landscape of the United States has changed, perhaps forever. And I am not referring to the inevitable growth of statism that has resulted from nationalized health care in Europe. I am referring to a clear demarcation between the parties that was not evident in the last election. If John McCain had been elected, we would have had something like this bill enacted last year in a bipartisan fashion – as was Social Security and Medicare. Such a bill would have been irreversible. Now the political consciousness of an enormous number Americans is entirely focused on government and the political class. There is a genuinely grassroots ‘liberty movement’ in this country that has not existed in my lifetime – perhaps not in a century or more. And they are not interested forming in a third party.If the Democratic Party could survive slavery, it should be able to survive the passage of this health care bill. But then again, until the Civil War, slavery was less unpopular in the United States than is this bill.”

On the other hand, reader John Steakley writes:

All this talk about backlash and Republican landslides is very premature. The Democrats just purchased 30,000,000 new votes. In November, the Democrat machine will drive through the low income neighborhoods in buses with loudspeakers warning people to get on board and vote against the evil Republicans promising to “steal” their “right” to free healthcare. And it just might work.

Well, that depends on what people do between now and then.

UPDATE: Reader Ken Alwes writes:

I’ve never been a big fan of the GOP, though I usually vote for their candidates. This morning, I dropped by the TN GOP office in Nashville, joined the party and volunteered to work for whichever candidate ultimately challenges Jim Cooper.

Well, if a lot of people do that sort of thing, then the GOP will do well.

CORY DOCTOROW: Big Brother in Nottingham. “You have to wonder what kind of values about citizenship, fairness, privacy, and the social contract are being imparted to young people by these measures.” From the Nanny State to the Bully State. . . .

SO AT THE GYM THIS MORNING, a trainer who said she’s never given money to the Republicans before told me she gave $40 to the Fire Pelosi site and then joined the Knoxville Tea Party. How common that reaction is will determine how things go — will people get mad, or give up?

MEN TAKE MORE RISKS when women are present. Maybe this explains how Nancy Pelosi got ’em to vote for ObamaCare. . . .

“A COMPLETELY NEW WORLD:” Some stats from Hans Rosling. In particular, note what happens to Vietnam when it abandons communism.

DESALINATION WITH NANOTECHNOLOGY: “Scientists said on Sunday they had made a nanotech device to strip salt from seawater, paving the way to small-scale or even battery-powered desalination for drought-hit regions and disaster zones.”

JIM TREACHER: “Democratic gadfly Pat Caddell calls this vote a ‘political Jonestown’ for House Democrats. That’s hardly fair… Jim Jones only killed 900 people!”

THE L.A. TIMES LOOKS AT NOVEMBER: “Victims of the ‘he-cession’ are turning against the Democrats, and that could sway the November elections. Millions of white men who voted for Barack Obama are walking away from the Democratic Party, and it appears increasingly likely that they’ll take the election in November with them. Their departure could well lead to a GOP landslide on a scale not seen since 1994.”