Archive for 2010

VIDEO: Palin on Leno. Note the lines that get applause. But my favorite was “I hear this is open from time to time. . . .”

More here.

DAN RIEHL: Dylan Ratigan slanders Tea Party movement. One of his producers called to ask me to be on his show last week but I declined, in part because I’d never heard of him. (I also don’t like it when people I don’t know call my cellphone, though to be fair, he probably got the number out of the computer from when I used to work for MSNBC). Seems like I didn’t miss much. More here.

UPDATE: Reader George Poletes writes:

In an MSNBC TV spot that ran during the Winter Olympics, Mr. Ratigan claimed that he wore a t-shirt that read “Question Authority,” a mantra that he claims informs his work as a journalist. Yet, with his harsh attacks against the Tea Party Movement, Mr. Ratigan zealously attacks the what has now become the nation’s foremost movement in questioning government authority. This Lincoln Steffens wannabe is nothing more than a ham and a phony.

Apparatchiks who pretend to be revolutionaries — that’s an awful lot of the press these days.

THE GREAT HATE HYPE: Are Libertarians Dangerous? Yeah. They want to not boss you around! Tremble in fear!!!!!

WHO WILL RESIGN FIRST? Paterson? Or Rangel? After they defenestrated Harold Ford Jr., you’ve got to wonder if there’s a place for black men in New York politics anymore. Welcome to postracial America!


BUSH LEAGUE ASTROTURF: Regarding my “Coffee Party” / Annabel Park post, reader Jennifer Pace emails:

The LInkedin link for Annabel Park (the one showing her as a Strategy Analyst for the NYT) has gone down the memory hole.

Any chance someone grabbed a screen shot of the page before it vanished?

Why, yes, I did. This came out of my browser cache:

MORE: Reader Bill Sheldon notes that, at the moment, Yahoo! still has her LinkedIn page cached.

WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST? How long have you got? “If the ship is sinking, do you save yourself or risk your life to save others? The answer, it seems, depends on how long the sinking takes. If there’s enough time, you can switch from adrenalin-driven self-preservation to conscience-driven self-sacrifice.”