Archive for 2009

OBAMA’S “TAKE A PAINKILLER” ADVICE TO HEART PATIENT leaves the Insta-wife distinctly unimpressed.

UPDATE: Reader Lin Bartholomew writes:

The video you linked appears to be edited to leave out some of Obama’s response. Please check out this one of the same event.

It stops short of where the one you linked discusses painkillers, but if you take the two in combination it does place his response in a different light.

He seems to be suggesting that the pacemaker made sense only if it saved money – his answer, by not addressing the quality of life issue brought up by Jane Sturm, tells us much about Obamacare, none of it good.

Hmm. I think he doesn’t look as bad here. On the other hand, this post from when the broadcast took place doesn’t make him look any better. Your call.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Here’s the full exchange. I don’t think this makes much difference, but you can make up your own mind. Note the skeptical look Ms. Sturm is giving Obama at about 3:44.

“DEAD AS A DOORNAIL:” More on those missing sunspots. “Most solar physicists do not think anything that odd is going on with the Sun. With the recent burst of sunspots, ‘I don’t see we’re going into that,’ Dr. Hathaway said last week. Still, something like the Dalton Minimum — two solar cycles in the early 1800s that peaked at about an average of 50 sunspots — lies in the realm of the possible, Dr. Hathaway said.”

MORE ON THAT JUPITER IMPACT. So, how often does this happen? And are there implications for Earth?

ARNOLD KLING: Why I Am Not A Republican. Plus, advice to the Republican leadership: “My goal would be not be to stage a fight with President Obama. My goal would be to stage a fight with the Democratic Congressional leadership, and leave it up to President Obama if he wants to defend their lunacy.”

SOMEWHERE FRED HOYLE IS SAYING “I TOLD YOU SO:” Life On Earth Came From Other Planets.

UPDATE: No, the link’s not bad, they just took the item down. Don’t know why.


NO PACEMAKER FOR YOUR MOM — have her take a painkiller. Glad this wasn’t what they told my wife. Especially, you know, since “painkillers” aren’t generally recommended for heart arrhythmias. The country’s in the very best of hands . . . .

DAN MILLER: ‘Yes, We Can’ Still Help Honduras. “Obama still has time to recant his earlier support for Zelaya, but civil war is coming if he does not act fast.”

TOO DIVERSE to fail?