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ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Children should keep masking up, CDC director says, even as some experts question the need.

Earlier this week, Children’s Hospital Colorado said it was declaring an emergency over the mental health of children. “Our kids have run out of resilience. Their tank is empty,” the hospital’s chief physician said.

In response to a query from Yahoo News about how [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle] Walensky had come to her conclusion about child-related coronavirus risks, a CDC spokesman sent the agency’s guidance on school-based transmission. That guidance links to several studies that show most children do not become infected with the coronavirus. For example, one study cited by the CDC found that “more than 90 percent” of childhood coronavirus cases in China in early 2020 were “asymptomatic, mild, or moderate.” Another, conducted in April 2020, found that of 149,082 coronavirus cases in the United States for which information on age was available, only 1.7 percent were children. “Three deaths were reported among the pediatric cases,” that study found.

“This document definitely does not support Dr. Walensky’s statement she made in Congress,” says Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a Stanford epidemiologist, who reviewed the guidance forwarded by the CDC at the request of Yahoo News. “I remain mystified by her statement.”

The above Yahoo article was written by Alexander Nazaryan. When the head of the CDC has lost this guy

…It might be time to rethink the plot.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: CDC chief to Gretchen Whitmer: Lock down now. “Today Rochelle Walensky used the daily White House briefing to answer her. Vaccines take too long to work, the CDC chief reminded everyone. It’d be two to six weeks before a dose fully protected recipients; Michigan needs to start dousing the flames of its outbreak today. And the governor conspicuously and uncharacteristically refuses to take the sort of action this time that she became famous for taking earlier in the pandemic. I’m not mentally prepared for Gretchen Whitmer to become an ally of the right for her staunch opposition to lockdowns but that’s where we’re headed.”

Of course, Walensky isn’t exactly laser focused on what should be the CDC’s only job right now: CDC Director Walensky: ‘Racism Is a Serious Public Health Threat.’

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Pass the popcorn — WA supreme court unanimously OK’s recall campaign against Seattle’s Socialist council member.

Remember Kshama Sawant? The Socialist politician first made waves eight years ago, just days after her election to Seattle’s city council, by urging Boeing workers to seize the company’s factories for themselves. Sawant later quarterbacked the head-tax proposal that prompted Amazon to leave the city, which the city council later reversed. Sawant spearheaded an effort to cut the police chief’s pay after Chief Carmen Best criticized Sawant’s effort to defund the police department, causing Best to resign in protest. Sawant also led a protest at Mayor Jenny Durkan’s home in favor of defunding the police and protecting the socialists’ seizure of several city blocks in the CHAZ/CHOP, despite Durkan’s home address being protected by a privacy statute.

For those and other reasons, opponents launched a recall effort against Sawant, which she sued to enjoin. Last night, a unanimous 9-0 ruling from the state supreme court approved the recall petition, holding that three of the four allegations listed are factually accurate and good cause for the recall:

We’ll always have the Summer of Love, though.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: San Francisco School Board votes 5-2 to strip Alison Collins of leadership role. “Whether she admits it or not, being stripped of her leadership and being accused of racism must really upset Collins. Best I can tell, this is the only issue she truly cares about. Complaining about racial issues at SF schools is what she has been doing since at least 2016, not just in the tweets that got her in trouble but in appearances before the school board as well. Now suddenly, she’s being publicly and widely identified as a racist. But Collins of all people should know that language matters. Here she is in 2016, about the time she was writing those offensive tweets about Asian parents and teachers, saying schools and the school board need to do more about racist language and hate speech. She got her wish.”

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Incoming Teen Vogue Editor Forced To Resign Over Old Tweets. “She wrote them in 2011, when she was a teenager.”

On the one hand, you’d think that if anyone could forgive teenage excesses it would be Teen Vogue. On the other hand, they’re just the Junior Stasi now, and I’d feel bad about this but associating with the Junior Stasi has its risks.

Plus: “Conde Nest, the media company that owns Teen Vogue, was aware of the tweets when it hired McCammond, who had already apologized for them. The bosses evidently did not expect such furor from Teen Vogue staff—though that’s rather shortsighted on their part, given the large number of similar uprisings at progressive media workspaces. Even so, the perception that anti-Asian hate crimes are rising—including the possibility that the Georgia massage parlor murders were motivated by anti-Asian bias—meant it was bad timing for an incoming editor to be involved in an even tangentially related controversy.”

Note: Dems are trying to make a big deal of “anti-Asian hate crimes” because Asians are starting to drift Republican over affirmative action, and they’re hoping this will be a distraction.

DISPATCHES FROM THE INTERSECTION OF ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY AND K-12 IMPLOSION UPDATE: “I mean in no way to overstate the parallels. Sen. Sanders is no white supremacist insurrectionist. But he manifests privilege, white privilege, male privilege and class privilege, in ways that my students could see and feel.”

—“Ingrid Seyer-Ochi is a former UC Berkeley and Mills College professor, ex-Oakland Unified School District principal and current San Francisco Unified School District high school teacher,” writing in a San Francisco Chronicle article today headlined: S.F. high school students get a lesson in subtle white privilege.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Things are getting spicy in Detroit! The city is suing BLM protestors for ‘civil conspiracy.’

Earlier this year a group of Black Lives Matter organizers won a suit against the city of Detroit alleging police had used excessive force against protestors. But now the city is suing them right back saying demonstrators were part of a “civil conspiracy.”

As a famous community organizer likes to say, punch back twice as hard.


Most of the other November 2020 Biden supporters are destined to be on a collision course, and they will soon enough realize that their differences are much stronger than what united them and that they were taken for fools. None will be disappointed more than the so-called ‘Progressives’.

The definition of the term progressive has morphed quite significantly over the last decade or so. Currently, it seems to include any one who stands up against Trump; and this is the primordial cause of the confusion and reason for future conflict between them. In reality, what defines the term ‘progressive’ in any existing progressive movement can be totally different from that of another movement; and the difference is not necessarily marginal. Being ‘progressive’ in the 21st Century implies the presence of a very specific agenda or slogan that may or may not be compatible with other ‘progressive’ agendas.

Take the Assange supporters for example. The moment they wake up from their deep slumber, they will realize that the man they supported to become President is actually the leader of the political party that has put Assange in jail for exposing his party’s dirt. I hope that Trump pulls the rug from underneath their feet and pardons Assange before the 20th of January 2021. But will this show the Assange supporters who is who? Not necessarily because if they wanted to open up their eyes and see, they would have seen from day one that Assange’s biggest enemy is none but Hillary Clinton and that she is the one responsible for his demise; not Trump.

But the Assange supporters did not play a major role in the elections; at least not directly, and at least not as much as their closest ‘progressives’; the peace activists.

The Democrats and their cohorts have portrayed Trump as a warmonger. When peace activists eventually see that Biden will have to serve his warlord masters and start new wars across the globe, they will have to think again. He is already touting hiring well known hawks in key positions in his forthcoming cabinet and team of advisors, with his Defense Secretary reportedly selected.

When it comes to street power however, none has been more powerful and effective as the combination of BLM and the environmentalists.

BLM activists have just fallen a tad short of blaming Trump for an American five-century long history of racism. But how much do BLM activists really care about Climate Change and specifically about Greta-type environmental vision of how the world should run? Moreover, most environmentalists, if not all of them, are anti-vaxxers. When they see that Biden is the trump card for the vaccine empire, they may wish they didn’t take to the streets to unseat the Trump card they had in the Whitehouse. If there is/was one person standing up against the malevolent “Gates vaccine”, it has to be Trump, and the single-issue anti-vaxxers are against Trump. Try to make sense of this.

This is not to forget and ignore that the Climate Change activists will soon find out, the hard way, that Biden will not come clean on the zero-emission promise; not only because he doesn’t want to, not only because he goes to bed with the petro-dollar lobby, but also because he does not have the alternative technology to replace fossil fuel with.

Read the whole thing.


ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Former Cuomo aide Alexis Grenell in The Nation on The Collapse of the Cuomosexual.

The whole thing was already very Through the Looking Glass before the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences announced on Friday that they were awarding the governor an Emmy for his “television shows with characters, plot lines, and stories of success and failure.” Next he’ll be playing himself in an Aaron Sorkin movie, taking three points off the back end. Aside from having just barely survived the delusion that elevated a reality TV character to the presidency, we’re now giving a real-life governor an entertainment award for doing his actual job. Where does that leave governors like Michigan’s Gretchen Witmer, who also gave press briefings, but didn’t take a bow—and got death threats instead?

There’s something genuinely depressing about seeing the son of a man who refused a seat on the Supreme Court so eager to be flattered by Ben Stiller. It’s almost hard to remember how he ridiculed two-time Emmy Award–winner Cynthia Nixon back in 2018 for being an unqualified celebrity.

Turns out he just wanted to trade places all along.

As Jeff Dunetz adds, “It turns out that Alexis Grenell, a Democratic Party consultant, has got Andrew Cuomo down to a ‘T.’ He doesn’t act like a politician. He acts like an absolute ruler—a tyrannical one.”

Which is why, you’re gonna need much more Cuomosexual Conversion Therapy:

But in the last few days, more New Yorkers have enrolled in Cuomosexual Conversion Therapy. Their two major sticking points? Vaccines and schools.

There was widespread optimism when Pfizer-BionTECH and Moderna announced success rates of over 90 percent for their COVID-19 vaccines. For the first time in months it seemed as though there was hope for America. Enter Andy-Vaxxer Cuomo, using his platform as governor to undermine public trust in the FDA’s potential authorization of vaccine which we will all need to take. ‘We can’t let this vaccination plan go forward the way that Trump and his administration is designing it,’ he said last week, with all the scientific expertise of an Instagram wellness blogger. ‘I’m pushing hard to make sure that we have a process in place to check what the FDA says before people start getting the vaccine in New York.’

People were happy to put up with Cuomo’s pettiness when he was moving his daughter’s boyfriend to the Canadian border, or deploying the State Liquor Authority to target bars that mocked his dumb food rule by serving ‘Cuomo pizza’. But the prospect that his tussling with Trump might delay the climax of the COVID carnage has given many pause for thought.

The governor compounded his misstep with another display of logger-headed machismo posturing this week, clashing with Mayor Bill de Blasio over school closures. The mayor, after dithering for days, introduced an arbitrary 3 percent positivity rate to re-close NYC’s public schools. The governor contradicted this, saying at a Wednesday press conference that schools could remain open as the positivity rate was only 2.5 percent. A Wall Street Journal reporter expressed confusion on behalf of parents — and Cuomo, acting as hard as a pierced nipple in winter, snapped:

The delivery of Cuomosexual deprogramming tools should be prioritized so that Emmy Award voters receive theirs first: