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ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Oh my: Amazon looks at leaving Seattle over city council hostility.

To paraphrase Animal House, Andy Jassy hasn’t dropped the big one — yet — but he put it in play this week. After years of deteriorating relations with their home city of Seattle and its ultra-progressive city council, Amazon’s CEO made it known that the online giant may look for greener pastures.

As Conquest’s First Law of Politics states, “Everyone is conservative about what he knows best.”

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Dem Senator’s Assessment of Biden Admin’s Senate Testimony Is Searing: ‘No One in Charge.’ “But maybe no Democrat lit up the Biden team for their failures more than Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT). I have to say, he has, at least on this incident, seemed like a different person. Normally he’s a partisan hack, all in for the Democrats, no matter the truth. He has his own past history of not being exactly truthful about his service, for which he acquired the nickname ‘Da Nang Dick.’ So if you’ve lost him, you know that it’s bad. He seems to have been personally touched and outraged by how Americans and our Afghan allies were stranded by Biden. He was involved in trying to help get stranded citizens out of Afghanistan and faced all kinds of roadblocks from the Biden team in the effort. He also focused on what should be for everyone the most important thing at this point — helping extract the people still stranded. Blumenthal’s assessment today of the Biden administration was searing. There was ‘no one in charge’ he said.”


ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Al Sharpton: Black America Is ‘Being Stabbed in the Back’ by Joe Biden.

First Maxine Waters, now Al Sharpton. To revise and extend my remarks on Wednesday night regarding Waters calling Biden’s El Paso Border Patrol agents “worse than what we witnessed in slavery,” after Biden’s infamous smear that Mitt Romney would “put you all back in chains” in 2012, Biden deserves everything he’s getting from her and Sharpton.

Plus more good news regarding Sharpton: Al Sharpton shouted down by hecklers during press conference on border patrol treatment of Haitians.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Maxine Waters bashes Biden for ‘whipping’ of Haitian migrants and calls it worse than slavery: ‘What the hell are we doing here?!’

“And I want to know in the first place, who is paying these cowboys to do this work? They got to be gotten rid of! They got to be stopped! It cannot go on!” she continued.

Waters had previously pushed the false accusation that the Border Patrol agents had used whips on the migrants.

For her Wednesday media briefing, she instead said that they had used their reins to whip the migrants away.

She also called for the children at the Del Rio encampment that want to come to the U.S. be allowed in immediately.

“Let people know that they trying to take us back to slavery days! And worse than that!” she yelled.

More here: Maxine Waters Has the Craziest Remark You May Find on the CBP and Haitians.

But funny thing, on top of all that, is Waters saying that it is “worse than what WE witnessed in slavery.” I know that Waters is bordering on ancient, right up there with the rest of the over-80 Democratic crew like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), but I didn’t know that she was actually so old that she had witnessed slavery which hasn’t been around since 1865. Tell me more, please, Maxine? And she didn’t “witness” what happened in Del Rio either. Because had she “witnessed” it, she would have known there were no whips and no one was whipped.

Earlier: Border Patrol Debunks the Fake ‘Whipping’ Haitians Story but Media Doesn’t Care About the Truth.

After Biden’s infamous smear that Mitt Romney would “put you all back in chains” in 2012, Biden deserves everything he’s getting from Waters.

Related: Why Trump Didn’t Have a Haitian-Migrant Crisis.

Trump was willing to use sticks, and not just carrots, to ensure cooperation from Mexico and Northern Triangle countries.

Morgan cites the importance of Trump’s “commitment that if Mexico didn’t step up he was going to take very specific actions on tariffs. The same thing with the Northern Triangle countries where relief and assistance was temporarily removed until they stood up and did what they needed to do to address this as a regional crisis.”

By last year, the former administration official says, “the relationship we had with Mexico was in a very solid place.” The Mexicans had initially been skeptical of the Trump approach but changed their view when it began to show results. “They saw,” he adds, “that suddenly their border towns weren’t overwhelmed. Suddenly their immigration services weren’t overwhelmed.” So the Trump team and its Mexican counterparts had, he continues, “this professional understanding that a little bit of preventative work today would prevent a much bigger problem tomorrow.”

Morgan points out that caravans that gathered to our south in 2020 didn’t go through. The Mexicans, Morgan says, “increased their southern border enforcement between them and Guatemala. So, Guatemala stepped up. A lot of the caravans were stopped in Guatemala before they even reached the Guatemala–Mexico border. And those that got through Guatemala, Mexican officials stopped.”

But hey, no mean tweets anymore.

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): Via a friend:

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Why Bill de Blasio’s COVID Passport Edict Is About to Backfire Hard.

In New York City, you need your photo ID and a vaccination card to enter these locations. The liberal self-own here is just epic. Photo identification is Jim Crow 2.0, but it’s okay for COVID vaccination status. It’s mind-blowing how liberals so expertly dice their talking points into sashimi. For Carmine’s, they’re about to be besieged by Black Lives Matter activists after a hostess and black patrons from Texas were involved in an altercation when proof of vaccination status was refused by the diners. Racial slurs were allegedly hurled at the black patrons. We’ll see about that, but the fact that BLM is coming to the Big Apple to protest the racist COVID passport ordinance is just as entertaining as it is predictable…

* * * * * * * *

Black Americans remain the demographic that’s least likely to be vaccinated in the city. I’m just shocked it took this long for the liberals to shoot themselves in the foot on this one. Why would Mayor Bill de Blasio pass such a racist edict? You think you know someone, huh? No, but seriously, he chucked this boomerang and it’s about to break his face. So much for being part of those BLM murals over the summer, huh, Bill?

As Glenn wrote yesterday:

Now in NYC you’ve got a vaccination-passport requirement that disproportionately affects black people, who are much less likely to get vaccinated than whites and asians, and you’re surprised that the response is violent? Once you teach people that it’s okay to be violent if they feel mistreated, you don’t get to choose when they feel mistreated.

Meanwhile, I understand there’s already a war among NYC progressives, as blacks and hispanics hate all the Covid security theater, while the white Karen wing of the party is loving it. I’m hoping for a war of mutual destruction. Hey, maybe Curtis Sliwa can make it to the mayoralty after all!

Insert Henry Kissinger Iran-Iraq war quote here.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: The Telos of Leftist Racial Ideology.

When I first saw the letter reproduced here from something called “Dallas Justice Now,” calling on wealthy whites living in the affluent Highland Park neighborhood of Dallas not to have their kids apply to elite colleges so that there would be more room for minority applicants, I assumed that it was a satire or a hoax.

But it turns out to be authentic. And there’s actually much to recommend this if you think about it for a moment: what Dallas Justice Now is doing is calling out the smug virtue-signaling of liberal “white allies” and demanding that they put their money (and their children’s futures) where their mouth is.

Good luck, Highland Park. I want you to know we’re all counting on you:

Click to enlarge.

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): To reduce inequality, abolish the Ivy League.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Clay Travis: When woke collides with woke, you get the ESPN mess. “I guarantee Jimmy Pitaro is on the phone at ESPN right now. He’s underneath his desk. He’s got his helmet on. There are woke Woj bombs landing everywhere. The whole place is in a uproar. And he’s like, ‘Find me a transgender CEO. I don’t care where they are, I don’t care where they live right now, I need them in charge of ESPN right now. I’m gonna become the CFO.'”