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MORE ON THAT SECRET SERVICE AGENT WHO SUGGESTED SHE WOULDN’T “TAKE A BULLET” FOR TRUMP: Glenn beat me to the punch on this one, but there’s another angle worth considering. It takes a special kind of commitment to join the Secret Service. You have to be willing to die — not for a noble cause, not for your home or family, not for a comrade in war, but for a person, a stranger, simply because they hold a particular office. I’m not certain I could make that kind of commitment, which is why I would never consider a job with the Secret Service. If Kerry O’Grady can’t make that kind of commitment, she needs to reconsider her job.

WHY ARE DEMOCRATS SO VIOLENT AND UN-AMERICAN? Unprecedented threats drive Secret Service inauguration security. I’m so old, I can remember when accepting election results was the sine qua non of citizenship.

Is anybody keeping track of Robert Creamer, Jan Schakowsky’s (D-IL) husband, who ginned up violence at Trump rallies on behalf of Hillary’s campaign? Because what’s going on now isn’t some sort of spontaneous upwelling. It’s organized, which means that there are organizers.

TRUMP HUSTLED OFF THE STAGE BY SECRET SERVICE: Yes, the news of the night, as well it should be. But why be surprised? Project Veritas provided credible evidence that Democrat operative Robert Creamer used terror tactics earlier this year to disrupt Trump rallies. Will the mainstream media now demand that Hillary disavow violence? Will the mainstream media demand she disavow Creamer the terrorist and his accomplice, The Hideous Scott Foval?

(Bumped, by Glenn).

THE COUNTRY’S IN THE VERY BEST OF HANDS: In Latest Mishap, Secret Service Agent Is Robbed of Badge and Gun. “A Secret Service agent was robbed of his gun, badge, radio and handcuffs near the agency’s headquarters, according to a police report, the latest in a string of embarrassments for a law enforcement agency charged with protecting the president. The report also lists a flash drive among the items stolen from the agent’s car.”

CULTURE OF CORRUPTION: Secret Service Retaliation Against Chaffetz Prompts Hearing.

The Secret Service is under congressional fire next week for retaliation against Rep. Jason Chaffetz and the Utah Republican’s tough questioning of the agency.

Secret Service Director Joseph Clancy will appear before a joint hearing on Oct. 27 to answer questions about the findings of an OIG report, which determined 45 Secret Service employees accessed the House Oversight and Government Reform chairman’s personal information a total of 60 times, with some leaking information to the media.

The report also found that 18 senior Secret Service officials failed to notify Clancy or end the activity.

Hearings, but no firings. Suboptimal.

AND YOU WONDER WHY PEOPLE DON’T TRUST GOVERNMENT: Secret Service director revises account of his role in leak case. “The director of the Secret Service knew that unflattering, private information about a congressman was circulating among agency staff members before it was leaked to the news media, contrary to an earlier statement made to federal investigators, according to two government officials briefed on the investigation.” Some people face criminal charges for that sort of thing. But he was attacking a Republican, so he may be safe. But when does the statute of limitations run out? . . .

GANGSTER GOVERNMENT: Investigation: Secret Service tried to discredit US lawmaker. “Scores of U.S. Secret Service employees improperly accessed the decade-old, unsuccessful job application of a congressman who was investigating scandals inside the agency, a new government report said Wednesday. An assistant director suggested leaking embarrassing information to retaliate against Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, chairman of the House oversight committee. The actions by the employees could represent criminal violations under the U.S. Privacy Act, said the report by the Homeland Security Department’s inspector general, John Roth.”

Fire and prosecute them all. Then abolish the Secret Service, an organization that has proven itself to be corrupt, inept, and dishonest on numerous occasions over many years.

CULTURE OF CORRUPTION: Secret Service officials allowed to participate in probe of leak by agency. “Legal experts and former government investigators said the approach threatens the integrity of the investigation of who at the Secret Service uncovered and leaked material showing that Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) — chairman of a House committee overseeing the agency — had once been rejected for a job as an agent. Chaffetz has been an outspoken critic of the Secret Service, which has been rocked recently by high-profile security breaches. Secret Service staff members — inspectors from the agency’s internal affairs office who examine possible misconduct among employees — sat in on interviews with some of the more than 40 agents and officers questioned about the unauthorized disclosures, the people said. In some cases, the Secret Service inspectors contacted witnesses directly and questioned them along with investigators from the DHS Inspector General’s Office headed by Roth, who is responsible for examining alleged wrongdoing across the breadth of Homeland Security. . . . The service’s involvement in investigating itself is problematic, experts say, because top officials at the agency had an incentive to embarrass Chaffetz. The participation of the service’s inspectors also could deter internal whistleblowers from coming forward with additional allegations of misconduct for fear of retribution by their bosses, the experts said.”

Ya think?