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WHERE’S HUNTER, FAT? Sources: Secret Service inserted itself into case of Hunter Biden’s gun.

Federal Bureau of Investigation also responded to the scene, according to people familiar with the situation. At the time, the FBI was monitoring Hunter Biden as part of an investigation that remains ongoing and that currently focuses on his taxes. The FBI declined to comment.

In addition to questioning Hallie, police called Hunter to the scene, where he was questioned outside the store’s loading dock area and explained he used the gun for target practice, according to the report.

At one point, two of Janssen’s employees, described by the police report as “Mexican males,” walked past the loading dock area, and Hunter told a police officer that the store had some suspicious people working for it. Asked if he was referring to those two staffers, Hunter responded, “Yea, prolly illegal,” according to the report.

When a police officer asked Hunter whether the gun had been used in a crime, the officer reported that Hunter “became very agitated with me and asked me if I was intentionally trying to make him mad,” according to the report.

When the officer asked Hunter whether he had been doing drugs or drinking heavily, he responded, “Listen, it isn’t like that. I think she believes I was gonna kill myself,” according to the report.

An officer asked Hunter whether he had called his father about the incident before he arrived. Hunter responded, “I have never called my dad for anything,” according to the police report.

After being questioned, Hunter retrieved the case for the gun — which included the gun’s serial number — from Hallie’s house and returned to the grocery store to hand it over to police, according to the report.

While police questioned Hunter and Hallie, two Secret Service agents arrived at the store where Hunter had purchased the gun, StarQuest Shooters & Survival Supply in Wilmington, according to the two people familiar with the incident. The agents showed their badges and identification cards to Palmieri, the store’s owner, and asked to take possession of the Firearms Transaction Record that Hunter had filled out to buy the gun earlier that month, according to the people familiar with the incident.

Palmieri refused to hand over the transaction record to the Secret Service agents because such records fall under the purview of the ATF. The Secret Service agents left without the records, according to the people familiar with the case. Later that day, the ATF arrived at the store to inspect the records.

Palmieri declined to comment on the episode.

ATF spokesman Andre Miller referred questions to the Delaware State Police. Jason Hatchell, a spokesman for the Delaware State Police, said any questions about the incident would have to be filed through a Freedom of Information Act Request. The Delaware State Police previously rejected POLITICO’s FOIA request for records related to the incident last November.

The incident has received scant attention, save for a report on the conservative website The Blaze that focused on the state police decision not to file charges against either Hunter or Hallie.

Imagine the non-stop coverage this story would get if it involved a Trump family member. Just think of the media as Democratic Party operatives with bylines to understand the crickets it’s receiving.


UPDATE: The Hunter Biden Gun Story: This One Should Be Hard to Make Go Away – Part 1.

More: It’s ‘Common Sense’ to Prosecute Hunter Biden for His Gun Crimes. “I do not envy the position that Joe Biden is in with his son. But he is the president of the United States now, and he is using his position to call for much stricter laws to regulate the exercise of an explicit constitutional right. If he wants to show that he is serious — and, more important, if he wants to show that he’s not trying to create a confusing thicket of rules that will end up being enforced capriciously — he should be in favor of investigating and, if necessary, prosecuting his son and his friends. It is a federal felony to lie on Form 4473. Joe Biden supports this. It is a federal felony to possess a gun while one is a drug addict. Joe Biden supports this. It is a federal felony to bring a firearm within one thousand feet of a school. Joe Biden not only supports this, he wrote the law.”

(Updated and bumped.)

A RATHER ODD SECRET SERVICE RESPONSE to a Freedom of Information Act request regarding Hunter Biden’s gun. “In other words, this is either grossly incompetent — which ought to concern everyone considering what this agency is responsible for — or it’s a deliberate stalling tactic, meaning it has been directed.”

In my experience, a non-response response is a typical opening gambit when an agency doesn’t want to provide the requested information. The next response will probably be a broad claim of exemption, citing a laundry list that simply replicates the FOIA exemptions second, rather than the required “Vaughn index” identifying what documents exist and why they specifically are exempt.

WHEN #METOO IS SOLD OUT FOR #ORANGEMANBAD: Joe Biden Accused of Groping Breast of Secret Service Agent’s Girlfriend During 2009 Photo-Op.

Flashback: Democrat Makes #MeToo Claim Against Joe Biden: He Smelled Me and Kissed My Head. “Flores said that pictures of Biden touching other women inappropriately made it more difficult to keep silent, referring to Biden nuzzling the neck of Secretary of Defense Secretary Ash Carter’s wife, kissing Sen. Chuck Grassley’s wife on the lips, whispering in women’s ears, and snuggling women on the campaign trail.”

Flashback: It’s time to talk about former Vice President Joe Biden, the open sexual predator.

Biden Swims Naked, Upsetting Female Secret Service Agents:

“Agents say that, whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude,” Kessler writes in the book – due for release Aug. 5.

“Female Secret Service agents find that offensive,” he writes.

“Biden likes to be revered as everyday Joe,” an unnamed agent told Kessler. “But the reality is no agents want to go on his detail because Biden makes agents’ lives so tough.”

Plus: Washington Post: What Are We Going To Do About Creepy Uncle Joe Biden?

And: ‘Creepy Veep’ Joe Biden ‘nuzzles’ wife of colleague and claims he is friends with lots of Somali cab drivers.

Also: Joe Biden’s Woman-Touching Habit.

Related: Talking Points Memo: Why Does Creepy Uncle Joe Biden Get A Pass From Liberals?


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OH: Joe Biden Accused of Groping Breast of Secret Service Agent’s Girlfriend During 2009 Photo-Op. “According to the report, an unidentified Secret Service agent was suspended for a week after the incident for shoving the vice president ‘after he cupped his girlfriend’s breast while the couple was taking a photo with him’.”

Much more at the link.


Flashback: Democrat Makes #MeToo Claim Against Joe Biden: He Smelled Me and Kissed My Head. “Flores said that pictures of Biden touching other women inappropriately made it more difficult to keep silent, referring to Biden nuzzling the neck of Secretary of Defense Secretary Ash Carter’s wife, kissing Sen. Chuck Grassley’s wife on the lips, whispering in women’s ears, and snuggling women on the campaign trail.”

Flashback: It’s time to talk about former Vice President Joe Biden, the open sexual predator.

Biden Swims Naked, Upsetting Female Secret Service Agents:

“Agents say that, whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude,” Kessler writes in the book – due for release Aug. 5.

“Female Secret Service agents find that offensive,” he writes.

“Biden likes to be revered as everyday Joe,” an unnamed agent told Kessler. “But the reality is no agents want to go on his detail because Biden makes agents’ lives so tough.”

Plus: Washington Post: What Are We Going To Do About Creepy Uncle Joe Biden?

And: ‘Creepy Veep’ Joe Biden ‘nuzzles’ wife of colleague and claims he is friends with lots of Somali cab drivers.

Also: Joe Biden’s Woman-Touching Habit.

Related: Talking Points Memo: Why Does Creepy Uncle Joe Biden Get A Pass From Liberals?


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ONLY TRAINED LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS CAN BE TRUSTED WITH FIREARMS: Off-duty Secret Service agent shoots and kills dog on a leash in Brooklyn. They don’t tell you his name, because titles of nobility.

Plus: “In answer to a request from The Daily News to clarify the characterization of ‘unleashed’ since The News has a photo of the dog’s body at the scene with her leash still attached, a spokesman for the Secret Service said it ‘will not have further comment.'”

I’ve been blogging about problems with the Secret Service for going on 20 years, and it has never gotten any better. Perhaps we should simply abolish it.

NOTHING TO SEE HERE, MOVE ALONG: Secret Service had removed alarm sensors from fence intruder scaled.

The fence-jumper who wandered around the White House complex for 17 minutes was able to elude the Secret Service in part because the agency has taken down alarm sensors along an area of one fence that he scaled, according to two sources familiar with details of the incident.

The intruder, identified as Jonathan Tran, was able to jump over three different fences, including at least one between the Treasury Department and the east area of the White House complex shortly before midnight March 10.

Tran was able to scale that particular area of the fence without setting off alarms because they had been removed, leading to confusion among officers about his whereabouts and whether an intruder was inside the White House complex, the sources told the Examiner.

Trump still has his private security, right?