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JIM TREACHER: Trump Supporter Shot Dead in Denver, Media Tiptoes Around It.

So: Matthew Dolloff is a private security guard who doesn’t have a license, he wasn’t wearing anything that identified him as security, and the company that was supposed to have employed him says he doesn’t work for them.

If that seems strange to you, then you have a more curious nature than most of the national news media. They’re tiptoeing around the story, giving it just enough coverage to cover their own asses.

That’s because the shooter is on their team. Despite the Denver Police’s initial claim, Dolloff’s social media history is full of leftist stuff…

Read the whole thing.

Flashback: Bernie Bro James T. Hodgkinson, Attempted Assassin Of Steve Scalise, Already Being Erased From History. And additional examples of leftist violence and eliminationist rhetoric at the link.


In the hours and days after Gregory Timm plowed his vehicle into a tent of Republican Party volunteers registering voters in the parking lot of Kernan Village Shopping Center in Jacksonville, Florida, national coverage of the event has been alarmingly lacking.

Local news channel WJXT reported days later on the arrest report, which showed Timm telling the sheriff’s office his “disapproval of Trump” was the motivating factor for the attack. He showed the sheriff’s office a self-recorded video of him driving straight at the volunteers, expressing frustration that the video cut out before “the good part.” Even then, as I write this, the best the New York Times could muster was wire coverage.

No teams of reporters were sent to uncover his dark motivations, upbringing, or political leanings. No psychological profiles have been written up, nor have any experts weighed in on how this is a growing threat. These are all tools that would have been used by an army of reporters if Timm had been a Trump supporter plowing into Democratic Party volunteers registering voters.

The problem isn’t that Timm’s attack on the GOP wasn’t covered by most of the media. It’s that it wasn’t covered with the same voracious appetite news organizations have whenever someone who is even peripherally associated with the Right does something to a Democrat.

This isn’t whataboutism; this is realism. . . . There would have been a week’s worth of cable news coverage, several nationwide protests, and someone calling for a national conversation by now had the victims of Timm’s attack been supporting anyone but Trump.

It’s simply a fact that the journalistic class for the most part sees Republicans as deplorables whose death, silencing, or oppression is largely to be approved of, or at least not made a big deal of. This is why the deplorable class, in turn, regards the press as enemies of the people. Because they’re the people the press is inimical to.

Flashback: Bernie Bro James T. Hodgkinson, Attempted Assassin Of Steve Scalise, Already Being Erased From History.


“So I have a problem with people who took the other side,” he continued. Matthews feared Sanders would be in this category. “I don’t know who Bernie supports over these years. I don’t know what he means by socialism. One week, it’s Denmark. ‘We’re going to be like Denmark.’ Okay, that’s harmless. That’s basically a capitalist country with a lot of good social programs.” (Ironically, Denmark has been hard at work reforming its social programs in a more free-market direction.)

Matthews later brought up the question, “What does he think of Castro?” He noted that many Americans were originally excited to see Castro rise to power in Cuba, “and then he became a communist and started shooting all of his enemies.”

Bernie Bros were not happy to see a liberal host speak the truth about the Cold War — and Sanders’ dalliances with the oppressive Soviet communist side. After a few prominent liberals expressed disgust and blamed Matthews of anti-Semitism, #FireChrisMatthews started trending on Twitter.

Flashback: Bernie Bro James T. Hodgkinson, Attempted Assassin Of Steve Scalise, Already Being Erased From History. And additional examples of leftist violence and eliminationist rhetoric at the link.



When you heard the terrible news from Arizona, were you completely surprised? Or were you, at some level, expecting something like this atrocity to happen?

Put me in the latter category. I’ve had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach ever since the final stages of the 2008 campaign. I remembered the upsurge in political hatred after Bill Clinton’s election in 1992 — an upsurge that culminated in the Oklahoma City bombing. And you could see, just by watching the crowds at McCain-Palin rallies, that it was ready to happen again. The Department of Homeland Security reached the same conclusion: in April 2009 an internal report warned that right-wing extremism was on the rise, with a growing potential for violence.

Conservatives denounced that report. But there has, in fact, been a rising tide of threats and vandalism aimed at elected officials, including both Judge John Roll, who was killed Saturday, and Representative Gabrielle Giffords. One of these days, someone was bound to take it to the next level. And now someone has.

It’s true that the shooter in Arizona appears to have been mentally troubled. But that doesn’t mean that his act can or should be treated as an isolated event, having nothing to do with the national climate.

—Paul Krugman, “Climate of Hate,” January 20th, 2011, as quoted at Barbara Streisand’s official Website,


“‘Wow, this is still up, huh?’ Barbra Streisand posts cartoon of Trump impaled by Pelosi’s high heel,” as spotted by Twitchy, yesterday, who notes, “We know that Jack and Twitter want to elevate the discourse on the platform, and flagging this for removal would be a good start — actually a good continuation, following the deletion of Tom Arnold’s unhinged tweet bringing up JFK during Trump’s visit to Dallas this week.” Twitchy also quotes one Twitter who notes, “I’m guessing the @nytimes won’t be doing a 23 page article on how this incites violence.” One that, if the ideologies were reversed, would likely be quoted by Streisand to her followers on her personal Website.

Flashback: Bernie Bro James T. Hodgkinson, Attempted Assassin Of Steve Scalise, Already Being Erased From History. And additional examples of leftist violence and eliminationist rhetoric at the link.

NEW CIVILITY WATCH: Times Square Athleisure Wear Billboard Depicts Trump Getting Hogtied.

It hasn’t even been a week since journos all lost their minds over a dumb Trump meme. They’re still #literallyshaking at the looming threat posed by an amateurishly edited video based on a scene from the movie Kingsman: The Secret Service, which was playing in an empty room in a Trump building when somebody took a cameraphone video of it, and the NYT thought it was important national news. I wonder how they would’ve reacted if that video had been playing on a giant billboard in Times Square?

Flashback: Bernie Bro James T. Hodgkinson, Attempted Assassin Of Steve Scalise, Already Being Erased From History. And additional examples of leftist violence and eliminationist rhetoric at the link.

PROGRESS, OF A SORT: New Yorker cover depicts Trump and Giuliani as mobsters murdering Uncle Sam.

I suppose that’s a step up for the New Yorker, since they’re showing Trump murdering a symbol, as opposed to Trump himself being murdered:

That cover ran a year after the GOP’s Steve Scalise and Rand Paul were both attacked, and seven years after the New Yorker blamed the Tucson massacre on Sarah Palin’s clip art and rhetoric.

And it’s not like New Yorker staffers wouldn’t mind putting a “whack job” on America’s freedoms themselves: Calling America’s “Ungovernable” and “Terrifying” Car Culture a “Terrible Mistake” with “Disastrous Drivers” Leading to “Chaos”, Liberal Writer Wants “Smart” Solutions to Bring It to an End.

NEW CIVILITY WATCH: Nancy Pelosi tells 2020 Dems, “You have to be ready to take a punch. And therefore you have to be ready to throw a punch—for the children.”

If Sarah Palin or Donald Trump had said this, it would lead the 6:30 PM news broadcasts. Just think of the media as Democratic Party operatives with bylines to understand how Pelosi can say this with impunity.


Sen. Rand Paul had part of his lung removed this weekend because of damage from 2017 attack.

Actor Jeff Daniels to CBS’s Stephen Colbert: ‘We Need Someone That Can Punch Trump in the Face.’

Ilhan Omar Retweet Suggests Rand Paul Deserved to Be Assaulted.

Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) to 2020 Dems: Don’t Run Away from Trump — ‘Punch Him in the Face.’

Parents cheer as kids bash an ICE agent piñata and throw balls at the painted image of President Trump.

Joe Biden: I Want to ‘Beat the Hell Out of’ President Trump.

Patti LuPone defends violent attack on Rand Paul.

CNN Host Palled Around with, Promoted ICE Firebomber’s Antifa Group.

Leftist Thug Caught on Video Assaulting Conservative Berkeley Student While Fellow Students Laugh.

Journalist Andy Ngo Beaten Up at Portland Antifa Rally.

● John Dickerson, the host of Face the Nation and the “political director” for CBS, wrote an article for Slate in 2013 charmingly titled “Go for the Throat! Why if he wants to transform American politics, Obama must declare war on the Republican Party.”

Bernie Bro James T. Hodgkinson, Attempted Assassin Of Steve Scalise, Already Being Erased From History.

JUST THINK OF THE MEDIA AS DEMOCRATIC PARTY OPERATIVES WITH BYLINES AND IT ALL MAKES SENSE: The Press in Iowa Caught by Surprise they Were Participating in a Bernie Sanders Fundraiser.

It was recently announced that Major League Baseball will be playing a regular season game at the famed Field Of Dreams stadium, in Dubuque Iowa. This is the now famous landmark location where the titular baseball motion picture was filmed, and the Sanders campaign officials were struck with an idea to hold a softball game at the location. Not much of a problem so far; these are just the kind of photo-ops campaigns stage to get publicity, and to raise more money.

* * * * * * * *

It is that last detail that emerged, much to the surprise of the journalists covering the Sanders campaign. See, it turned out the game being played for the Sanders campaign was a contest between his staffers, and members of the media on the opposing team. It was only “at the last minute”, according to Politico, that members off the CNN and ABC News organizations who were going to play in the game backed out. This was due to a fundraising email the Sanders team sent out regarding the game.

Baseball seems a little too on-point for Bernie. Flashback: Bernie Bro James T. Hodgkinson, Attempted Assassin Of Steve Scalise, Already Being Erased From History. And additional examples of leftist violence and eliminationist rhetoric at the link.


Readers of Nineteen Eighty-Four will remember the daily ritual in which the inhabitants Oceania are required to watch a film depicting the hated Emmanuel Goldstein, enemy of the state. In Orwell’s novel, the hate-fest was only two minutes long, whereas the supposed anti-white supremacist fanatics have their propaganda on an endless loop.

Back in May, PJ Media’s Sarah Hoyt put her finger on what the rallies against “white supremacism” are really all about when she noted that “We Don’t Have a Problem with White Supremacy. We Have a Problem with Leftist Supremacy.” Bingo. “The left is obsessed with white supremacists,” Hoyt observed, “the way that children are obsessed with Santa Claus, and for more or less the same reasons.” Santa doesn’t exist, but the presents pile up every December 25 because the right people have a stake in perpetuating the myth of his existence.

Another curious feature of the hysteria over the made-up tort of white supremacism is that its very frenetic quality, instead of highlighting its disingenuousness and absurdity, tends instead to function as a sort of camouflage. Parsing the psychological dynamics of this phenomenon would doubtless take us into deep waters—I’m not at all sure I can explain it—but the Freudians would probably explain in terms of the idea of projection: concealing one’s own unpalatable impulses from oneself by attributing them to another.

Plus: “Pop quiz: who is James T. Hodgkinson? Can you say without Google’s help?”

IF TRUE, DAYTON INCIDENT TO BE MEMORY HOLED IN 3…2…1…: The Dayton Shooter Was a Satanist, Leftist-Socialist, and Bernie/Warren Fan, Supported Antifa.

Earlier: Bernie Bro James T. Hodgkinson, Attempted Assassin Of Steve Scalise, Already Being Erased From History. And additional examples of leftist violence and eliminationist rhetoric at the link.

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): Dayton Shooter Connor Betts: Twitter Posts on Being a Leftist, Guns. “Kill every fascist.”

Related: El Paso Shooter Wanted To Kill People To Save Environment.

SPARTACUS ROARS: Cory Booker Would Never Punch Trump, That Fat Old Body-Shamer.

Let’s take a moment to imagine any Republican going on national TV and saying something like this about a Democratic POTUS. And let’s take another moment to contemplate the amusing idea of Cory Booker possessing testosterone.

Anyway, Booker would never punch Trump. That would be beneath him. But what’s wrong with getting a round of applause from a liberal NYC audience, and a warm, friendly smile from Seth Meyers, for talking about punching Donald Trump?

Plus, Trump is old and out of shape. What does Booker look like, a body-shamer?

Meyers is a good little Democrat and teed that right up for him, and Booker still botched it. Fortunately for him, nobody watches late-night TV anymore.

Earlier: Joe Biden: I Want to ‘Beat the Hell Out of’ President Trump.

Related: Bernie Bro James T. Hodgkinson, Attempted Assassin Of Steve Scalise, Already Being Erased From History. And additional examples of leftist violence and eliminationist rhetoric at the link.

VIOLENT, HATEFUL RHETORIC: MSNBC: Trump Supporters Must Be ‘Confronted and Destroyed.’

Related: Bernie Bro James T. Hodgkinson, Attempted Assassin Of Steve Scalise, Already Being Erased From History. And additional examples of leftist violence and eliminationist rhetoric at the link.

Flashback: John Dickerson, the host of Face the Nation and the “political director” for CBS, wrote an article for Slate in 2013 charmingly titled “Go for the Throat! Why if he wants to transform American politics, Obama must declare war on the Republican Party.”


But even before that, defending her was a bad idea, and any serious person should have known it: Omar Holding Secret Fundraisers With Islamic Groups Tied to Terror: Closed-door events spark further questions about anti-Semitic rhetoric.


UPDATE: From the comments: “You do realize that, at some point, and much sooner than you expect, she’s going to be failing to condemn Antifa bombing the RNC headquarters. Then failing to condemn Antifa assassinating Republican candidates? This is headed towards a pretty ugly place if we don’t put a stop to it.”

We’re basically already there: Bernie Bro James T. Hodgkinson, Attempted Assassin Of Steve Scalise, Already Being Erased From History. And additional examples of leftist violence and eliminationist rhetoric at the link.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Donald Trump: Democrats Too ‘Petrified’ to Confront ‘Anti-USA, Pro-Terrorist’ Squad.