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HE FOUGHT THE IDIOTS AND THE IDIOTS WON: UA philosophy professor abruptly resigns as editor-in-chief of international philosophy journal over ethics dispute. Yale prof. Robin Dembroff is the person whose article he said shouldn’t have been accepted because it was unethical and unprofessional. But the paper advanced the trans community’s arguments and attacked a critic thereof, so it was published anyway. Then the subject of the attack wasn’t allowed to respond. Quoth Brian Leiter: “It’s fair to say that this whole episode will damage the reputation of the journal, beyond the loss of Professor Cohen.”

When taxpayers tire of funding of this sort of thing, we’ll be told it’s because of anti-intellectualism. But maybe it’s just that there’s not much actual intellectualism going on in higher education anymore.

SEGREGATION NOW, SEGREGATION TOMORROW, SEGREGATION FOREVER — AND SEGREGATION UNQUESTIONED: UCLA removes lecturer for questioning proposal to give black students preferential grading. “The petition, created by UCLA student Preet Bains, calls Klein’s defense of race-blind consideration ‘extremely insensitive, dismissive, and woefully racist.'” But the administration went along.

When taxpayers tire of funding this sort of thing, we’ll be told it’s because of “anti-intellectualism.”

DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: Trump-supporting student says Columbia prof told him to ‘drop dead.’ “Professor Jeffrey Lax, deputy chair of Columbia’s Political Science department, called the student a ‘neo-Nazi enabler’ and a ‘neo-nazi murderer-lover’ for defending President Trump’s handling of COVID-19. Lax accused the president of ‘murdering his own people’ and claimed that his supporters ‘always strut around with neo-Nazi armbands.'”

When taxpayers grow tired of supporting higher education, we’ll be told it’s because of “anti-intellectualism.”

YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE SNIDE TO BE A COLLEGE ADMINISTRATOR, BUT IT HELPS. Holy Cross Dean of Students Michele C. Murray, on a talk by WSJ’s Heather Mac Donald: “The subtext of her talk was that discrimination no longer exists, or at least that we should not be bothered by it. Our students understood her message, even dressed as it was in Frederick Douglass quotes and references to ‘Faust’ and the virtues of the Western canon.” The students to whom she refers left en masse 15 minutes into Mac Donald’s talk. For this combination of mind-reading and anti-intellectualism, students and parents pay $69,810 a year.

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Can Storied Williams College Be Saved From Itself?

How did Williams, founded in 1793, the cradle of captains of industry, ever get to this point of intellectual dysfunction? Look at the Wikipedia entry and weep at the roster of distinguished alumni: 3 chairmen of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 71 members of the United States Congress, 22 U.S. Governors, 4 U.S. Cabinet secretaries, an associate justice of the Supreme Court and a president of the United States. And now the very thought of living by the First Amendment on campus proves grounds for a hit squad of students to disrupt a faculty meeting, while courses on anything European inspire a boycott.

Cost of attending Williams College: $75,520 per year. Most of it funded by taxpayer money, one way or another. But when taxpayers get tired of funding it, we’ll be told it’s because of “anti-intellectualism.”

Related: Whatever the Left touches, it ruins.

DANIEL A. KAUFMAN: Peak Woke Philosophy. “Woke philosophy is reminiscent of those histrionic, scripted WWF feuds I used to watch on WPIX in the early 1980’s, by which I mean that it’s such transparently melodramatic bullshit, performed by such a manifestly absurd group of clowns that a six year old should be able to see through it. But this is academic philosophy in 2019, where it seems that there is nothing so stupid or disingenuous or juvenile that a sizable portion of the current members of a discipline that once counted the likes of Wittgenstein, Quine, and Rawls among its leading lights won’t embrace it.”

As Glenn says, when the people get tired of subsidizing this nonsense, they’ll be accused of anti-intellectualism.

REMEMBER, WHEN TAXPAYERS TIRE OF SUPPORTING WOKE ACADEMIC BULLSHIT LIKE THIS, WE’LL BE TOLD IT’S BECAUSE OF “ANTI-INTELLECTUALISM.” “The building was so overburdened with meaning that its burning feels like an act of liberation,” says Patricio del Real, an architecture historian at Harvard University.

But seriously, why should taxpayers fund — and frankly coddle — people whose mission in life is to destroy the taxpayers’ culture? See also Ms. Sofia Leung, below.

AT THE INTERSECTION OF FAHRENHEIT 451 AND THE NOTRE DAME FIRE: Don’t Oppress My People With Your Public Libraries! As David Thompson writes:

Further to recent rumblings in the comments, Captain Nemo steers us to the Twitter feed of Library Journal, a “global community of more than 200,000 librarians and educators,” and which proudly directs its readers to the mental exertions of Ms Sofia Leung:

Our library collections, because they are written mostly by straight white men, are a physical manifestation of white men ideas taking up all the space in our library stacks. Pause here and think about this.

Ms Leung, an academic librarian, is unhappy that public libraries in the US, a white-majority culture with a white-majority history, tend to have, among other things, lots of books by authors with pale skin. This, we’re told, is an “interesting mini-eureka moment” that our Queen of Intersectional Rumination feels compelled to share. When Ms Leung discovers that public libraries in China and South Korea have quite a few books by Chinese and Korean authors, I’m sure she’ll be equally aghast. Every bit as offended.

Ms Leung airs her distaste for “white men ideas” — as if they had been uniform across continents and throughout history — while reminiscing about attending a “white AF conference” two years earlier. I was unsure what the “AF” might refer to and searched for some literary or scholarly explanation. It then occurred to me that a “white AF conference” is, to borrow the woke vernacular, a white as fuck conference. Which is how not-at-all-racist academic librarians convey their thoughts, apparently.*

Rod Dreher describes Ms. Leung’s actions as “A Smokeless Cathedral Burn:”

Do you not see what’s happening here? Those who control a culture’s memory control its people. Sofia “Social Justice Work Is Library Work” Leung wants to throw certain books down the memory hole because they are racially impure. If this catches on, then some sane institutions stand to inherit some valuable books tossed out by woke universities … unless Sofia Leung Thought requires the burning of those whiteness grimoires so they can’t pollute the minds of others ever again.

Why can’t universities simply expand their collections to include books and documents from a greater diversity of writers, scholars, and artists? If Leung was calling for that, who could possibly object? Not me. But she’s not calling for that at all. She’s calling for getting rid of books and documents that incarnate “whiteness,” whatever the hell that is.

As Ray Bradbury wrote in the introduction to the 50th anniversary edition of Fahrenheit 451, “There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running around with lit matches.”

* Curious how the mainstream left sounds increasingly like the mirror image of the alt-right, huh?

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): Remember, when taxpayers tire of supporting this sort of “woke” academic bullshit, we’ll be told that it’s because of “anti-intellectualism.”

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Michigan College Cancels ‘The Vagina Monologues’ Because ‘Not All Women Have Vaginas.’ “The women’s resource center at Eastern Michigan University put the kibosh on the famous production since it caters only to women who have the physical anatomy that accompanies the female sex.”

Remember, when taxpayers tire of subsidizing this sort of thing, we’ll be told it’s because of “anti-intellectualism.”

CULTURE OF INDOCTRINATION: UCLA diversity requirement threatens academic freedom, trust in academia.

If you’re going to turn universities into super-PACs for the Democratic Party — or the Democratic Socialists of America — then don’t scream “anti-intellectualism” when taxpayers get tired of subsidizing them.

HIGHER EDUCATION TAKES SIDES: Students, faculty stage nationwide anti-Kavanaugh protests. When taxpayers grow tired of subsidizing these schools because they see higher ed as a political-action tool for one party, we’ll be told it’s because of “anti-intellectualism.”