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ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Far Left Prepares To Throw Barack Obama Into The Dustbin Of History.

That’s already begun, as I mentioned in March, when Ilhan Omar attacked Obama’s policies both at the border and in the Middle East. Bernie was trashing the economy of the Obama era while Obama was still in office. AOC’s “Green New Deal” is premised on the notion that Obama’s own green-obsessed “New New Deal” (as Time magazine dubbed it) accomplished nothing. And since Joe Biden is running on Obama-era nostalgia, that encourages all of his opponents to point out all that went wrong during “the most scandal-free administration in history.” (Just ask them.)

SPEAKING OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY:  I ran across this quote from Mr. Dooley (Finley Peter Dunne):  “Th’ dimmycratic party ain’t on speakin’ terms with itsilf ….”  (I am not sure of the date, but Dunne lived from 1867-1936.  In any event, history repeats …)

And apropos of nothing in particular, here is another of Mr. Dooley’s observations that seems rather modern:

“D’ ye think th’ colledges has much to do with th’ progress iv th’ wurrold?”  asked Mr. Hennessy.

“D’ ye think,” said Mr. Dooley, “’tis th’ mill that make th’ wather run?”

Alas, the modern world’s immense wealth allows us to buy a lot of … uh … stuff that we couldn’t otherwise afford.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Rahm Emanuel calls AOC’s chief of staff “a snot-nosed punk,” according to Maureen Dowd in a column titled “Scaling Wokeback Mountain:”

And then there’s the real instigator, Saikat Chakrabarti, A.O.C.’s 33-year-old chief of staff, who co-founded Justice Democrats and Brand New Congress, both of which recruited progressives — including A.O.C. — to run against moderates in Democratic primaries. The former Silicon Valley Bernie Bro assumed he could apply Facebook’s mantra, “Move fast and break things,” to one of the oldest institutions in the country.

But Congress is not a place where you achieve radical progress — certainly not in divided government. It’s a place where you work at it and work at it and don’t get everything you want.

The progressives act as though anyone who dares disagree with them is bad. Not wrong, but bad, guilty of some human failing, some impurity that is a moral evil that justifies their venom.

Chakrabarti sent shock waves through the Democratic caucus when he posted a tweet about the border bill comparing moderate and Blue Dog Democrats — some of whom are black — to Southern segregationists in the ’40s.

Rahm Emanuel told me Chakrabarti is “a snot-nosed punk” who has no idea about the battle scars Pelosi bears from the liberal fights she has led.

“What votes did you get?” Emanuel said, rhetorically challenging A.O.C.’s chief of staff. “You should only be so lucky to learn from somebody like Nancy who has shown incredible courage and who has twice returned the Democratic Party to power.

Talk about projection — Chakrabarti simply doesn’t want to let an (imaginary) crisis go to waste to transform the entire American economy.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: House Democrats Nuke AOC’s Chief-Of-Staff On Twitter, Meltdown Ensues. Saikat Chakrabarti, “who seems to have a soft spot for followers of Adolf Hitler, has been under intense fire from Democrats in recent days as a senior Democratic aide recently told The Washington Post that top Democratic lawmakers want him fired. Chakrabarti admitted in a recent interview to The Washington Post that Ocasio-Cortez’s far-left $93 trillion “Green New Deal” was about implementing socialism in the United States.”

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Ocasio-Cortez: I wonder why Pelosi’s attacking “women of color?”

It’s that Democrats have wielded the PC mallet with some effect for years on the basis of their supposed superiority on tolerance and diversity. If they start to shred each other as racists and chauvinists, it will fatally dilute that argument by exposing it as nothing more than the baseless name-calling that it’s been for a very long time.

And that’s not a bad reason to pass the popcorn and cheer this internecine warfare on. Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw made sure to drive the point home, in case anyone hadn’t already grasped it.

Update: Aaaand just as this post was about to publish, the House Democrats’ centrist Blue Dog Coalition nukes AOC in a mass e-mail to the entire caucus.

Read the whole thing. As Glenn has joked, getting AOC and her “squad” elected was Roger Stone’s last and greatest dirty trick.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Even MSNBC’s Chuck Todd Slams Ocasio-Cortez For Her ‘Concentration Camp’ Remarks. Ocasio-Cortez Responds By Lying.

Ocasio-Cortez was angered by Todd calling her out and responded to him on Twitter, writing: “Well, @chucktodd – the fact that you slipped in ‘Nazi’ when I never said that is pretty unfortunate. Almost as unfortunate as the fact that you spent this whole time w/o discussing DHS freezers, “dog pounds,” missing children, & human rights abuses that uphold use of this term.”

This is a lie.

Ocasio-Cortez, in her Instagram live video, specifically mentioned “Never Again,” which is a direct reference to the Holocaust, which was carried out by Nazis.

As Stephen Miller tweets, “Jesus, Chuck Todd actually committed journalism. Can we get a welfare check on him?”

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Aren’t delirious Democrats now accusing Team Obama of treason?

If you read the newspapers, tuned into the cable TV pundits or received an email from one of the Democrats running for president, you’d swear Donald Trump was back to his treasonous ways.

All that was missing was an annoying OMG text exclamation punctuating the unfounded claims that Trump might violate the law in 2020 by accepting intelligence on a political rival from a foreign country. The inference, of course, is that it would come from a hostile power such as  Russia or North Korea or Iran.

Actually, what Trump told ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos was that he’d consider taking intelligence dirt about a rival from a friendly ally. (Norway was the actual example he used.)

Sound familiar? That is EXACTLY what the Obama administration did in 2016. It’s something no one in the media or the political space grasped during the tsunami of breathless reaction that followed the interview.

Related: Stephanopoulos has now been branded by Trump: “You’re being a little wise guy,” Trump exclaims in testy exchange with Stephanopoulos.

That’s going to leave a mark.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Twitter Turns On An Editor Who’s Already Woke.

So we’ve reached the point in 2019 where Twitter seems to have declared that the obstacle to female progress in American journalism is the editor of the Atlantic, Jeffrey Goldberg.

A Vox headline complained of Mr. Goldberg’s “sexist quote.” At Deadspin, a headline declared “The Best Way for Jeffrey Goldberg To Help Diverse Journalists Would Be To Quit His Job.” The New York Times even found it worth a news article, headlined, “Writing Cover Stories Is Hard. For Atlantic Editor, Talking About Diversity Is Harder.”

Mr. Goldberg, my colleague at the Forward two decades ago, is someone I know as implacably opposed to bigotry. The magazine under his editorship has tilted left, with articles like “Impeach Donald Trump” and another earnestly complaining that “Sexism infects every kind of courtroom encounter, from pretrial motions to closing arguments — a glum ubiquity that makes clear how difficult it will be to eradicate gender bias not just from the practice of law, but from society as a whole.”

If Mr. Goldberg is insufficiently woke for the job, it’s enough to make a person wonder just who there might be out there with sensitivities sufficiently exquisitely attuned. Angela Davis? Elizabeth Warren? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

The New York Times article took note that “11 of The Atlantic’s 15 most recent cover stories were written by men.” It didn’t mention that 17 of the 23 most recent New York Times Magazine cover stories were written by men, which, on a percentage basis, works out to pretty much the same as at the Atlantic.

When the Goldberg caved to the Twitter mob and fired Kevin Williamson last year, Williamson counterpunched:

The Atlantic has often welcomed controversial writers. The magazine’s best-known contributor today is Ta-Nehisi Coates, arguably the nation’s foremost writer on race. He came in for criticism after writing, in his book “Between the World and Me,” that the first responders on 9/11 were “not human” to him, that he had come to regard such uniformed figures as menaces. I don’t share his view, but if that’s what he thought at the time, then I’m glad he wrote it. He could have pretended to have had thoughts and feelings other than the ones he did—but the truth is usually more interesting, and it is always more useful.

The late Christopher Hitchens was another frequent contributor to the Atlantic. He was routinely denounced by people on the left for his harshly critical views of Islam. He complained of the war in Afghanistan that “the death toll is not nearly high enough,” described the Jewish scriptures as “evil and mad” and directed shameful vitriol at Mother Teresa. Hitchens routinely and gleefully gave occasion for offense—and he was one of the invaluable essayists of our time.

“Yes,” Mr. Goldberg said when I reminded him of this precedent. “But Hitchens was in the family. You are not.”

As Woody Allen once joked, “Intellectuals are like the mafia – they only kill their own.” Best not to be a member of the Five Families.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: The Last Black Man in San Francisco.

When The Washington Post recently published a full-throated rant — the city has become “too homogeneous. Too expensive. Too tech. Too millennial. Too white. Too elite. Too bro” — a local public radio station, KQED, responded by asking residents to call in and proclaim what they love about the city.

The mayor, London Breed, began her State of the City address earlier this year lamenting that San Francisco was increasingly being portrayed as having streets that resemble “dangerous slums.”

“We have failed to build enough housing, we do face a homeless crisis and we grapple with mental health and substance abuse issues on our streets,” Breed told a sympathetic audience. “The question is, what do we do next, hang our head and give up, concede our problems are too great and the soul of our city is lost?”

Into this defensive crouch comes “The Last Black Man in San Francisco,” a film inspired by the childhood friendship between two San Francisco natives, the director, Joe Talbot, and lead actor, Jimmie Fails, who helped write the story the screenplay is based on.

I wonder if the film will blame it all on “out of control late period capitalism,” or discuss what Thomas Sowell calls “The Housing Price of Liberalism.”