MARK STEYN does it again in a hilarious piece on “march of fascism” alarmism in Europe:

“Gotcha,” I said. “So this guy, Pim, is another charismatic, hateful Right-winger like Le Pen, who believes in.” I reached under the desk and pulled out the BBC’s handy How to Spot a Right-Wing Madman chart. “So, like Le Pen, he believes in Right-wing policies like economic protectionism, minimum wage, massive subsidies to inefficient industries. He’s opposed to globalisation, fiercely anti-American.”

“No, no,” said Ron. “Pim doesn’t believe any of that conventional Right-wing stuff. He’s the other kind of Right-winger.”

“What other kind?”

“The kind that’s a sociology professor who believes in promiscuous gay sex and recreational drugs. We’ve got a call in to Norman Tebbit and Baroness Young asking if they’d like to pay tribute to him from one of their favourite gay bathhouses.” . . .

“Got it,” I said. “So I’ll start with a little scene-setting colour stuff – not since the 1930s have we witnessed the disturbing spectre of so many gay professors on the march across Europe in their screamingly camp jackboots, blah blah, and then we’ll go to Jean-Marie for a quick comment on how he and his fellow Zionist homosexuals are taking the news.”

And it just gets better from there.