I’M NOT DEAD YET! Matt Welch sent this email in response to the Bennett post:

It’s weird; we didn’t get all that much from the U.S. News & World Report thing (which had two links to LA Examiner) … yet you still dominate my referrals list. Wanna know by how much?

Well, here’s the (rounded) data from May (minus three days), which is utterly typical as far as your influence:

InstaPundit 8300
Dynamist 900
Volokh (!) 700
Layne 300
Reason/Nader 250
Kausfiles 200
Tabloid.net 100
Tim Blair 100
Havrilesky 100

In April, you outranked the next biggest referrer 21,000 to 1,500.

Note how rapidly Volokh has risen from nowhere. The blogosphere hasn’t yet jelled into immobility; quality posts get you attention.