DAHLIA LITHWICK HAS IT EXACTLY WRONG. She says that the Moussaoui trial is a no-win proposition for the United States. Actually, it’s a no-lose proposition. She writes:
If we really do believe in the freedoms and rights that represent the warp and woof of this democracy, it’s absurd to argue that they stop at U.S. borders or that we can just put them on pause during wartime. If we really believe in the free marketplace of ideas, we’ll have to allow Mr. Moussaoui to put his own asinine convictions on the block. Be warned: It will be ugly. Be warned: Our enemies will hoot with joy. But what’s the alternative? If 200 years of constitutional ideals can’t withstand the taunts of one angry little lunatic, we shouldn’t be fighting a war to defend them. Moussaoui can go ahead and trash this trial, trash U.S. morale, giggle with his terrorist buddies, and embarrass the court.
It won’t be “ugly,” it’ll be beautiful. By doing that, he’ll be playing into our hands. We should be encouraging him to rave, and we should put it on TV. His “terrorist buddies” can’t be persuaded, only killed. But everyone else will realize what we’re dealing with — which will build support for harsher measures against terrorists and the nations (*cough* Saudi-controlled Arabia! *cough*) that fund them and provide them with ideological, logistical, and diplomatic support.
And it will embarrass the French. Win/win!