BIDEN’S HIGH COURT NOMINEE HAD ROLE IN CLINTON EMAIL SCANDAL: So it turns out, according to the Washington Free Beacon’s Kevin Daley, that Biden’s Supreme Court nominee, Appellate Court Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, covered then-Hillary Clinton spokesman Philippe Reines’ tail in a potentially damaging Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit in 2015.
Like his boss, Reines regularly used private email in connection with his official duties, dealing with journalists. Gawker filed suit seeking several dozen of Reines’ private emails. Jackson, then a U.S. District Court Judge, rejected Gawker’s suit.
“Jackson’s opinion parted ways with a colleague on the Washington federal trial court, U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan. In a separate lawsuit, Sullivan required Clinton herself and two of her top aides, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, to submit affidavits along the lines Gawker sought. Gawker’s request mentioned Sullivan’s order and may have been based upon it,” Daley reports.
Now, what was that they were saying about Hillary as the anti-Biden in 2024?