Author Archive: Ed Driscoll

OLD AND BUSTED: The 18 Minute Gap.

The New Hotness? Too Bad to Check: CNN’s Big Kamala-Walz Interview Will Be … 18 Minutes?

In all, the joint interview in Savannah with her running mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz – their first since becoming the Democratic presidential ticket – provided one of the clearest looks into Harris’ positions and her plans for the presidency.

“How should voters look at some of the changes that you’ve made?” Bash asked Harris. “Is it because you have more experience now and you’ve learned more about the information? Is it because you were running for president in a Democratic primary? And should they feel comfortable and confident that what you’re saying now is going to be your policy moving forward?” …

“I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed,” she said. “You mentioned the Green New Deal. I have always believed – and I have worked on it – that the climate crisis is real, that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time.”

Apparently, Harris used the same exact sentence to explain her border and immigration policy reversals too:

And she pointed to her record as California attorney general, when she prosecuted gangs accused of cross border trafficking, as an indication of her values on immigration.

“My values have not changed. So that is the reality of it. And four years of being vice president, I’ll tell you, one of the aspects, to your point, is traveling the country extensively,” she said, pointing to her 17 visits to Georgia since becoming vice president. “I believe it is important to build consensus, and it is important to find a common place of understanding of where we can actually solve problems.”

If your values haven’t changed, then … your policies won’t reflect your values? Or is it that your earlier policies didn’t reflect your values? While this isn’t quite a word salad — it’s at least cognizably coherent — it’s also utterly void of substance. It’s not an explanation of a reasoned process by which a candidate has concluded that earlier positions should be abandoned for better policies. It reveals nothing at all about reversing just one policy, let alone an entire agenda of policy positions that Harris took publicly in 2019 and in 2020, including on CNN.

If that’s the quality of the conversation, small wonder CNN will only run 18 minutes of it — although that has still not yet been confirmed. The practice of taping an interview for editing and later airing is common, but the refusal to release a full transcript seems very odd for a news organization. This is the major-party ticket defending an incumbency; anything they say that’s not specifically off the record should be reported, especially given the lack of media access to this ticket ever since it launched.

In addition to the plentiful word salads, a spectacular Kamala Kinsley gaffe:

“I’ve got 68 days to go with this election, so I’m not putting the cart before the horse. But…I think it’s really important. I have spent my career inviting diversity of opinion. I think it’s important to have people at the table when some of the most important decisions are being made that have different views, different experiences. And I think it would be to the benefit of the American public to have a member of my Cabinet who was a Republican.”

“Was a Republican.”

UNEXPECTEDLY: Lexus and Toyota are the most reliable used-car brands, Consumer Reports says.

Americans in the market for a used vehicle can cut their risk of having trouble down the road by considering some brands over others, with Lexus and Toyota topping a newly published list by Consumer Reports.

The nonprofit research and advocacy group’s first-ever ranking of 26 brands has Lexus and Toyota holding a commanding advantage over third-placed Mazda. All three brands have held consistent average or better reliability ratings over the years, Consumer Reports noted.

“Brands like Lexus and Toyota have a history of conservative redesigns, incrementally improving their entire product line, rather than introducing many all-new systems,” said Steven Elek, senior automotive data analyst at Consumer Reports. “Our data consistently shows over time that cars from those brands are reliable when new and they continue to be reliable as they age,” he added.

1990s-era Toyota Corrolas and pickups appear to be particularly reliable:

JUST IN TIME FOR AN ELECTION YEAR! Summer COVID surge shows we may have to return to 2020 pandemic measures.

As summer 2024 draws to a close, the U.S. finds itself once again grappling with a surge in COVID-19 infections.

This wave has taken many people by surprise, particularly as the country has largely consigned the pandemic to the past. While public life has pretty much returned to pre-pandemic norms — something almost none of us would have believed in the summer of 2020 — the virus itself has not.

Mutations of the virus continue to occur, and new variants are emerging, posing ongoing challenges to public health and safety. As we look ahead to the remainder of 2024 and into early 2025, we need to take stock of where we are, understand the factors driving this resurgence and better anticipate how the pandemic might evolve.

The recent surge in COVID-19 cases has disrupted summer travel plans, overwhelmed healthcare facilities in certain areas, and left many Americans dealing with the familiar symptoms of fever, cough and fatigue. The summer months, typically associated with lower respiratory virus activity, have instead seen a significant uptick in COVID-19 infections. Several factors contribute to this unexpected surge.

Evergreen: Ignoring Them Is the Only Way Out.


“So, you didn’t say, ‘This bandage was a prop, a spectacle from a candidate who’s obsessed with spectacles’?” asked Lewandowski.

“Uh, Mr. Lewandowski, I did not say that. That is a false quote,” the MSNBC host shot back.

“I have it right here,” said Lewandowski.

“What you have is a false quote… I’m putting you on notice, if you continue to repeat falsely that I said that, you will be potentially in a defamation situation because I didn’t say that,” [Ari] Melber threatened, declining Lewandowski’s offer to apologize to former President Trump for his remarks.

The far-left Daily BeastMediaite, and Huffington Post covered the exchange in tones suggesting Melber was in the right. However, their reports show that Lewandowski’s characterization of Melber’s statement about Trump and his bandage is correct.

Users on X began quoting Melber’s words back to him after clips of the exchange went viral, criticizing him as both a bully and a wimp for threatening a lawsuit. Melber responded by locking his account.

If he didn’t say it, this Fox News clip seems like an incredible advancement in deep fake AI technology:


Out: Kamala Scrubs Berkeley and Canada Out of Her Life Story.

On the front page of The New York Times on August 26 is a story explaining that the Harris campaign has an allergy to noting their candidate was born in the radical tumult of Berkeley in the 1960s. Instead, a convention video listed her childhood home as located in “East Bay.” It can’t be “The People’s Republic of Berkeley” in anyone’s reintroduction to moderate voters.

Reporters Heather Knight and Alexandra Berzon acknowledged Kamala’s mother Shyamala was “steeped in the social activism vibrant in both Berkeley and Oakland.” They told readers that the word “Berkeley” went missing early in her career, when Harris ran for Attorney General of California in 2008.

But in other places, it’s more explicit. On their podcast The Daily — broadcast across the country on taxpayer-subsidized National Public Radio — Times reporter Astead Herndon underlined that activism was prominent in her upbringing.

“This is someone who is growing up really around not only just a Black community, but a very prideful, rich history of Blackness…The Black Panthers’ headquarters was blocks from her house.” Her parents made “a very intentional effort to place their children in Black affirmation spaces,” teaching black history in a radical activist way.

The “reintroduction” shapers also left out Kamala’s teenage years in Canada. From 1976 to 1982 (from roughly 12 to 18), she lived in Montreal, where her mother worked at McGill University. The Times noted Montreal “fared even worse than Berkeley” at the convention. “The city’s name was completely excised from Ms. Harris’s re-telling of her childhood.”

In: ‘I Did Fries:’ Kamala Harris Claims She Worked at McDonald’s, but She Never Mentioned It Until She Ran for President. Did She Really Toil Beneath the Golden Arches?

Harris’s work at McDonald’s, which allegedly took place at a franchise in the California Bay Area the summer after her freshman year in college, is a recent addition to her carefully curated life story. For decades, Harris never mentioned it, not on the campaign trail nor in two books. It’s absent from a job application and résumé she submitted a year after she graduated from college. Third-party biographers did not write about it. Not until Harris ran for president in 2019 and spoke to a labor rally in Las Vegas did she mention the job, telling the crowd that she “was a student when I was working in a McDonald’s.”

McDonald’s boasts that one in eight Americans has worked at the fast food chain, and Harris, whose campaign is light on policy and heavy on image, has been using her fast food job to portray what the Washington Post, in a credulous piece this month on the Harris-McDonald’s connection, described as “her humble background.” (Harris is the daughter of an eminent cancer researcher, whom her campaign calls “a working mother,” and a tenured Stanford economist, who split when Harris and her sister were children.)

Early this month, Harris’s campaign said she used her McDonald’s wages to pay for college. “Vice President Harris is the daughter of a working mother and worked at a McDonald’s to put herself through college,” campaign spokeswoman Lauren Hitt said this month. A pro-Harris super PAC ad said she “work[ed] her way through school at McDonald’s.” And former president Bill Clinton, at the Democratic National Convention, joked that “she’ll break my record as president who has spent the most time at McDonald’s.”

At the same time, however, Harris’s image makers tweaked the story ever so slightly. According to an August 14 item in Politico, an early cut of a Harris campaign ad said she worked at McDonald’s to “pay her way” through college. Aides changed the script to reflect that “she really took the summer job just to earn a bit more spending money,” as Politico put it.

The Politico story, which was published just hours after the Washington Free Beacon reached out to the Harris campaign with a series of detailed questions about Harris’s claims regarding her job at McDonald’s, didn’t say when exactly—or where—Harris worked at the restaurant. The campaign did not respond to the Free Beacon’s inquiries.

It is possible that Harris did indeed work at McDonald’s in the early 1980s. But the absence of that detail in public records and her campaign’s coyness and refusal to provide any further details raise questions about what is now a foundational narrative.

Ed Morrissey asks, “So … is Harris faking the fryer? Flipping us the Filet-O-Fish? Giving us a bad shake for the sake of humble apple pie?”

I have a very hard time seeing why anyone would fake this kind of claim, because there’s really no upside to it. No one puts “McDonald’s fryer chef” on a professional resumé, after all, so a lack of track record on this before her first presidential run is at least explicable. I’d bet that this turns into a “Corn Pop” story — presumed fabulism that suddenly gets confirmed by witnesses, to everyone’s surprise. At some point, her fellow fryers and flippers will come forward with “My Summer With Kamala” stories, and this will all be a trivia point.

But if it is fake … don’t count on the media to cover it. Call it professional courtesy from the Fake News industry.

Finally of course, there’s Kamala’s real airbrushing, which Steve wrote about yesterday: Kamala Harris Goes Full MAGA, Endorses This Signature Trump Policy.

All of us had some fun at Harris’ expense on Monday, thanks to a little satire I wrote for you about her pathetic attempts to distance herself from the Biden-Harris record of “achievements” while also blaming Donald Trump for them. If you read Harris’ quotes — which I did not make up for Monday’s column — you’d think Trump had been president for the last four years.

Inflation? Trump’s fault. Record house prices? Trump’s fault. Slouching towards World War III? Trump’s fault. Border chaos? Trump’s fault.

And that brings us to today’s flip-flop, coming close on the heels of Harris doing the Triple Lindy on banning fracking, gun confiscation, decriminalizing illegal border crossings, decreasing funding for the Border Patrol, eliminating private health insurance, Medicare for All, court-packing SCOTUS, defunding police, Green New Deal, EV mandates, and (I’m running out of breath here) a federal jobs guarantee.

Harris wants to build the wall.

Somebody get her a red MAGA hat, won’t you?

No, wait — the New York Post already did that for us.

You’d think I’ve got to be making this one up, but no: Harris flip-flops on building the border wall.

As Ann Coulter wrote way back in 2004, “both parties run for office as conservatives. Once they have fooled the voters and are safely in office, Republicans sometimes double-cross the voters. Democrats always do.”

Classical reference in headline:

UPDATE: Stolen McValor!


According to constitutional scholar Rob Natelson, “Montana’s [Supreme Court] may be unique for its disregard of basic standards of justice, the extent of its intervention into the state’s political life, and its high-handed use of power.” Natelson also describes the Montana Supreme Court’s rulings as “banana-republic conduct” and questions its legal competence. For all these reasons, he has concluded it is “America’s worst court.”

One elected official, Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen, has been suffering for bravely confronting the state court’s wrath and incompetence. Knudsen, a Republican, has become the victim of lawfare for simply doing his job — defending state laws in court. Knudsen was elected as attorney general in 2020 following service for a decade in Montana’s state House of Representatives, including two terms as speaker. Due to the Montana Supreme Court’s judicial overreach and activism, in recent years the state legislature has skirmished with the court over matters such as changing how judicial vacancies are filled (the subject of Senate Bill 140) and access to judicial email records, which had been subpoenaed by the legislature as evidence of inappropriate political activity by the justices.

As attorney general, it is Knudsen’s duty to advocate on behalf of the legislature, even if the legislature is trying to make the state supreme court more accountable and less intrusive. Not surprisingly, the court justices and their patrons in the plaintiffs’ bar strongly oppose efforts to lessen the court’s power and influence. Just as bar associations in California and other states have become weaponized by the left to intimidate and retaliate against conservative lawyers such as John Eastman, the attorney discipline body in Montana (called the Office of Disciplinary Counsel) has unleashed a torrent of 41 “ethics” charges against Knudsen, accusing him of attacking the court’s integrity and undermining public respect for the court.

Read the whole thing.

KAMALA CHAMELEON: Kamala campaign flip-flops on EV mandates.

A campaign official for Kamala Harris said Tuesday that it is a “lie” that the vice president Kamala Harris supports implementing an electric vehicle mandate, even though she cosponsored legislation doing exactly that in 2019.

Harris’s director of rapid response, Ammar Moussa, wrote in a campaign email ahead of Trump running mate J.D. Vance’s remarks on the economy in Michigan that the Ohio senator would “undoubtedly lie, gaslight, and try to run away from the truth.” One such lie, he cautioned, is that “Vice President Harris wants to force every American to own an electric vehicle.”

“Vice President Harris does not support an electric vehicle mandate,” Moussa claimed, before citing several news stories that argued the Biden administration only incentivized, rather than mandated, electric vehicle production by car manufacturers. The administration spent billions to build just a handful of electric vehicle chargers and introduced tax credits for electric vehicle purchases. In addition, however, the Biden administration pushed through a new tailpipe emissions rule through the Environmental Protection Agency that would force car manufacturers to significantly scale back production of gas-powered cars. “The regulation would essentially require automakers to sell more electric vehicles and hybrids by gradually tightening limits on tailpipe pollution,” the New York Times reported in March.

Even more damningly, Harris also supported an electric vehicle mandate when she serves as the junior senator from California. In April 2019, months after announcing her bid to become the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee, Harris cosponsored the Zero-Emission Vehicles Act of 2019. The bill, which was introduced by Senator Jeff Merkley and Representative Mike Levin, presented “bold plan for transitioning the United States to 100% zero-emission vehicles.”

Flashback to 2019: Kamala Climate Power Grab: Green New Deal, Suing Exxon, Banning Straws.

I’d go with what Tom Cotton told Jon Karl of the House of Stephanopoulos on Sunday, that until Harris herself publicly denounces her past positions, assume that they’re still her goals. But even if she did announce a change in her worldview, why would anyone believe her?



In Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary of State at War, Robert Gates wrote that [Obama’s National Security advisor Tom Donilon] characterized the United States military as “in revolt” and “insubordinate.” The attorney, who had never been in the military, “bridled” when Gen. McChrystal announced a counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan. As Gates explained, “troops risking their lives need to be told that their goal is to ‘defeat’ those trying to kill them. But such terms were viewed in the White House as borderline insubordinate political statements by generals.”

The composite character president formerly known as Barry Soetoro, whose Dreams from My Father was a novel, contends that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” In a military conflict with the Taliban, a belch from the ninth century, America must not be seen as an outright victor*. This creed authorized Joe Biden to hand over billions in high-tech military gear, and an entire airbase, to the Taliban. The 13 American dead and Americans allies left behind were written off as collateral damage, and according to Biden the whole operation was an “extraordinary success.”

Additionally, as a Democrat who came to power during the Watergate era, Biden believes that the helicopters bugging out of Saigon in 1975 was a fitting end to the Vietnam War, and the Afghanistan debacle was Joe coming full circle with his imagined past self, bravely going to war — with that steely military tactician, Gerald Ford:

During a 2012 eulogy for George McGovern, Joe Biden recalled a confrontation he had with President Gerald Ford over pulling troops out of Vietnam. Ford had agreed to meet with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which included then-freshman Joe Biden, to discuss the administration’s military funding requests during the fall of South Vietnam on April 14, 1975.

According to Biden’s account: “I said, ‘Begging the president’s pardon, but I’m sure if the president were in my position, the president would ask the president the following question.’ I swear to God, it’s in the transcript. And Ford looked at me very graciously, and he said, ‘Yeah?’ I said, ‘With all due respect, Mr. President, you haven’t told us anything.’ They were talking about Sector 1, Sector 2, Sector 3, and with that the president turned and said, ‘Henry, tell them.’ And that was the first time it was decided that we were not going to try to sustain our presence [in Vietnam],” said Biden.

But Biden’s alleged statement, and the response from Ford, do not appear in the classified minutes of the meeting, which have been released by the Ford Library Museum. According to the transcript, Biden did speak up at the meeting to oppose military aid to help evacuate South Vietnamese allies alongside the U.S. troops. “I am not sure I can vote for an amount to put American troops in for one to six months to get the Vietnamese out. I will vote for any amount for getting the Americans out. I don’t want it mixed with getting the Vietnamese out,” said Biden, according to the transcript.

Found via Fred Bauer, who notes, “Biden has never made any secret of his tremendous admiration for McGovern, whom he views as a transformational and inspirational figure.” Which brings us to this month in 2021:

* See also: Obama effectively bugging out of Iraq for a second term talking point. As Glenn wrote in 2013, “Ideology required that the Iraq War be a failure, even if it needed a nunc pro tunc effort to make it so.”

SOD OFF, SWAMPY: Hawaii wants to force an oil ban on the rest of the country.

Despite the Biden administration spending trillions to promote green energy, America and the rest of the world still overwhelmingly depend on oil and gas to power their cars, homes, and appliances. However, if the city of Honolulu gets its way in Sunoco v. City and County of Honolulu, a nationwide oil ban might soon go into effect.

Honolulu claims energy companies are the source of “injuries” for its residents because the “climate crisis” is caused by the “use of fossil fuel products.” Using Hawaii tort law, it seeks billions of dollars in restitution and a court order that these companies stop “producing and promoting the sale and use of fuel products.” The sale of any fuel product in any state would be deemed a trespass against the Aloha State.

That’s right. Despite acknowledging that “it is not possible to determine the source of any particular molecule of C02,” effectively admitting that it cannot prove the basic facts it asserts, this lawsuit seeks to compel companies to cease production and sale of oil and gas everywhere.

While the energy industry responded with a motion to dismiss the case, the Hawaii Supreme Court denied its motion, ruling that this case is a states’ rights issue.

Hawaii is free to ban the sale of oil and gas within its state boundaries anytime it wants, but it cannot force other states to do the same by state judicial fiat.

I’ll believe that Hawaii’s government is serious about their Gaia worship when they ban commercial jet airline travel to and from the state.

FIGHT NIGHT: Kamala Harris Folds, ABC News Debate Terms Agreed Upon.

All of the original rules that were part of the CNN debate will remain in place, with none of the rumored changes, including the use of notes and being seated, being adopted.

This puts a big dent in what was an obvious ploy by Harris to manufacture yet another “I’m speaking” moment for the cameras. She used that line during the 2020 vice presidential debate and has rehashed it several times during speeches over the years. With an open mic setup, she was no doubt salivating at the chance to use it again on Trump (even if he didn’t legitimately interrupt her). I’d bet she already had the shirts printed and ready to go.

How did we arrive here? That’s less certain. If ABC News held the line here and told the Harris campaign that the rules were already set and could not be changed, I’d have to give them credit for that. For now, though, we don’t know what transpired behind the scenes. What we do know is that all the bluster from the Harris campaign about an “uncensored” debate is null and void, and that’s a good thing. As much as political observers may like a food fight in theory, the muted mic setup is far more effective in informing voters about each nominee.

Although as America’s Newspaper of Record “reports:” Harris Team Asks If Her Mic Can Just Be Muted For The Whole Debate.

ACTUALLY, THERE ARE TWO: Kamala Harris Agrees to Sit for an Interview, but There’s a HUGE Catch.

After weeks of avoiding interviews and press conferences like the plague, Kamala Harris will finally sit for an interview. That such a thing is even newsworthy says a lot about Kamala’s pathetic campaign, but I’m sure you know there’s more to this story. There is a huge catch.

Naturally, you assumed that the interview would take place on a left-leaning network. Of course, you were right. CNN gets the honor of holding the first interview, and chief political correspondent and anchor Dana Bash will be the one to conduct it. Because of course.

But that’s not the catch.

Despite all the criticism Harris has received, even from her allies in the media, for not doing any sit-down interviews or press conferences, her first interview won’t be solo. Believe it or not, her running mate, Gov. Tim Walz (D-Minn.), will be her babysitter for the interview.

Also, the interview will be prerecorded, further protecting Harris from herself.

THEY’RE NOT DOING JOURNALISM, THEY’RE DOING CHEERLEADING: The liberal media’s gushing over Kamala Harris is an embarrassment to journalism.

Donald Trump and his allies are missing the point. Yes, of course liberal media outlets in the US are biased towards Kamala Harris. They’re always biased towards the Democrats’ candidate. Nothing new there.

What makes their behaviour right now so remarkable is not that they’re being partisan. It’s that they’re willing to be partisan even though the object of their adulation has been giving them absolutely nothing in return. They’re cheerleading for someone who won’t even speak to them.

But at least she isn’t publicly insulting them and locking them in closets, so Vice President Harris is certainly a step up in that regard from the (p)resident. What we’re seeing from the DNC-MSM is what they’ve been doing in election cycles since arguably 2004:

At least in 2008 and 2012 they had a candidate who had much better skills as a politician, and was unknown enough so that the rock star treatment could seem warranted to the uninitiated.

Exit quote:

Even if liberal US media outlets no longer care about journalistic scrutiny, surely they should, at bare minimum, be motivated by their own commercial interests. Interviews with the woman of the moment would cause clicks and sales to surge. So they might at least have demanded she offer them something in exchange for their gurgling sycophancy. Yet here they are, giving it away free of charge.

Still, I suppose they deserve some credit. Nowadays it’s fairly common for journalists to quit the media for PR. Yet some, impressively, have the energy to fill both jobs at once.

Oh they’re definitely doing PR. They just like having the J-word on their business cards, for legacy reasons.

UPDATE: Seven Theories of Press Complicity with the Harris Campaign.

By dumping their unpopular incumbent nominee midstream, a coup apparently masterminded by the aged former speaker of the House, and seamlessly substituting a new nominee and then unifying their party behind her and subduing the press into prostration, Democratic power brokers have indeed played the inside-the-Beltway game very well the past month. If your concept of political journalism is simply to cheer those who wield the knife well, that yields good coverage. But it’s not what a free press is for in a free and democratic republic.

I miss the idea of a “free press…in a free and democratic republic” — but that notion died 50 years ago during the Watergate hearings.

MORE: Kamala Harris’s media gambit is working. “[T]here is an extensive record, much of it on video, of Harris making her views clear on issues like taxes, healthcare, immigration, energy, and others. Since she has never renounced or changed those statements, don’t they remain her views, at least until she says otherwise? As far as many of the nation’s top journalists are concerned, though, there’s no need to hear it from the candidate herself. For Kamala Harris and her admirers in the media, saying nothing is enough.”

OLD AND BUSTED: Trump Will Destroy Democracy!

The New Hotness? We’ll do the job ourselves: Human Rights Campaign president says we must “reimagine” democracy to be “more revolutionary” than the “little piece of paper“ our founders drafted.

Flashback: Kamala Harris Dismisses Kavanaugh’s Pocket Constitution: ‘That Book You Carry.’

Piers Morgan could not be reached for comment: Piers Morgan gets owned by Ben Shapiro, refers to Constitution as “your little book.”


Such moments are no laughing matter — unless you’re the vice president, alas:

OLD AND BUSTED: “Queers for Palestine.”

The New Hotness? Islamists Are Reenacting the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, and the Green Crowd Couldn’t Care Less.

Do America’s environmentalists oppose the Houthis’ blowing up oil tankers because it results in massive spills and a “severe ecological disaster,” or quietly support them because they represent attacks on the fossil-fuel industry?

It’s easy to wonder about the latter, as life stateside is full of people who will give you grief about your Big Mac, your SUV, your gas stove, and now your air conditioning. Meanwhile, these kidnapping, humanitarian-aid-obstructing, cholera-exacerbating Islamists who carried out a “partial and limited reintroduction of slavery” are reenacting the Exxon Valdez spill, and you barely hear a peep from the green crowd. It’s easy to conclude their movement is primarily focused upon hassling you, not about protecting the Earth.

The current president of the United States — that’s Joe Biden if you’ve forgotten. I know it’s easy to forget when he only does one public event per week — has not made any substantive remarks about the threat from the Houthis since January. The Biden administration would probably prefer if you forgot that one of its first actions was to remove the Iranian-backed Houthis from the U.S. list of global terrorist organizations.

As with those who attack Christianity but steer very far away from attacking Islam, now we know the limits of the crowd that glues themselves to the floor and throws paint at priceless artwork.