WHY WE DON’T TRUST THE MEDIA # 6,423,782: What The Media Isn’t Telling You About The United States’ Coronavirus Case Numbers.
Author Archive: Charlie Martin
March 27, 2020
NOW WE GET TO FIND OUT WHAT’S IN IT: Congress Practices Social Distancing in Passing COVID-19 Stimulus, as Members Spill Out Into the Gallery.
March 26, 2020
WHAT’S ONE WEEK OF MANEUVERING IN AN ECONOMIC CRISIS? Senate Passes Coronavirus Bill, Proving Pelosi Gambled With Americans’ Lives and Lost.
Somehow, Pelosi and the Democrats have got to pay for this.
March 25, 2020
SAME SCAM, NEW VERSE: SPLC Blames Trump’s ‘Racist, Anti-Asian Epithets’ for Coronavirus-Related Anti-Asian Harassment.
China’s massive propaganda effort has no connection, of course.
March 24, 2020
KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN FOR THE BUNNIES: ‘Great American Resurrection’: Trump Wants America Open and ‘Rarin’ to Go’ by Easter.
I think hoping to completely get rid of restrictions by Easter may be a little over-enthusiastic. But it’s going to be fun to watch the Megalithic Media start arguing for economic collapse.
I THINK THIS IS A RHETORICAL QUESTION: Are Democrats Trying To Steal The 2020 Election With Pelosi’s New Coronavirus Bill?
March 23, 2020
DATA! GIVE ME DATA! DATA IS MY PRECIOUS! I’ve been recommending the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Dashboard, that is Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU), as a source for real data on the Chinese coronavirus。 There are a number of other data dashboards being built using the same data. A Medium article COVID-19 Open Source Dashboard today by Christoph Schönenberger shows a particularly nice one. For the geekly among you, it’s open-sourced so you can have fun modifying it.
BUT THAT WAS, OF COURSE, DIFFERENT: FLASHBACK: The Obama-Biden Administration Scrapped WH Health and Security Office in 2009.
WHEN DO TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS NOT WORK? HERE’S A HINT: NY Times Discovers Travel Restrictions In China Didn’t Work — When They Were Not Implemented.
The punchline is that the NY Times is claiming travel restrictions didn’t work, based on the quick spread of the virus when there were no travel restrictions.
This is a VIP column, and as always, you can get a discount with promo code CHARLIE.
March 22, 2020
CIAO, NO KISSING PLEASE: Italy, Numbers, and Confusion: Why is Italy the Hotbed of COVID-19.
YOU’RE DEFINITELY GONNA NEED A BIGGER BLOG: The Top 10 Lies About President Trump’s Response to the Coronavirus.
WHERE DID ALL THE MASKS GO: It’s Barack Obama’s Fault There’s a Shortage of N95 Respirator Masks, Here’s Why.
March 21, 2020
I haven’t checked every number but they look plausible in the main, and match what people like Anthony Fauci are saying about things like case-fatality ratio.
Update (From Ed): After numerous flame wars on Twitter, Medium is now showing at the above URL an otherwise white page that reads “ERROR 410 This post is under investigation or was found in violation of the Medium Rules.”
However, the article can now be found at the (now Twitter-banned) Zero Hedge.
(Updated and bumped.)
March 20, 2020
IT’S JOE BEING JOE. ASK NEIL KINNOCK: Joe Biden Plagiarizes Trump’s Coronavirus Response—AGAIN.
TUCKER CARLSON ON CONGRESSIONAL INSIDER TRADING: ‘No Greater Moral Crime’: Tucker Carlson Tears Into GOP Senator for Coronavirus Insider Trading.
UPDATE: A friend on Facebook posts:
Chris Plante just read a news story about Sens. Richard Burr and Kelly Loeffler, both Republicans, selling a lot of stock right before the bottom fell out. I didn’t catch what news outlet published the story, but he pointed out that it went on and on for 22 paragraphs, and then, in the 23rd paragraph, it reported that Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat, had sold much more stock than either of them. “That’s not journalism, that’s a cover-up,” Plante said.
As usual. Doesn’t get them off the hook for abuse of power, but it does put the press on it.
March 19, 2020
WE HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO ISOLATE EAST ASIA: SHAME: Democrats Opposed Travel Bans Now Being Implemented Worldwide to Slow Coronavirus.
SEE THE VIOLENCE INHERENT IN THE (COMMUNIST) SYSTEM: Study Reveals How Deadly China’s Coronavirus Cover-Up Was.
March 18, 2020
THE EPIDEMIC CAN BE REDUCED TO A SINGLE NUMBER: When Will the Coronavirus Be Controlled, and How Will We Know?
March 17, 2020
SURELY A PRESIDENT WOULDN’T GOLF DURING A HEALTH EMERGENCY, RIGHT? FLASHBACK: Obama Played Golf the Same Day His Administration Declared H1N1 a Public Health Emergency.
I should have gotten this up yesterday but I was out looking for a house in Florida. (Anyone have a house to rent within an hour of University of Tampa? Leave me a comment.)
But I don’t think it’s lost its savor.
March 15, 2020
(This is a VIP article. To get a discount, subscribe with promo code CHARLIE.)
IT’S NOT NEWS THAT GEORGE CONWAY IS AN IDIOT. BUT IT’S FUN TO DUNK ON HIM: George Conway Gets Destroyed on Twitter After Suggesting WH Physician Isn’t a Real Doctor.
March 13, 2020
MEGALITHIC MAINSTREAM MEDIA HARDEST HIT: Stock Market Posts TREMENDOUS Gains as Trump Announces Coronavirus Emergency Plan.
I’m guessing the next impeachable offense will be that Trump moved the stock market and people he knows made money.
March 12, 2020
TRUMP’S CORONAVIRUS PLAN WAS SO AWFUL THAT BIDEN STOLE IT: Joe Biden Blasts Trump’s Coronavirus Response, Then Plagiarizes Trump’s Plan
March 10, 2020
WHO PROFITS? Who Benefits from COVID-19 Panic.
The Dow closed up 1167 points today, after the “OMG crash permanent recession” drop yesterday.
Who made money on that?
(VIP piece, if you haven’t signed up yet, promo code CHARLIE will get you a discount.)
March 7, 2020
DID YOU GO TO CPAC? BREAKING: CPAC 2020 Attendee Tests Positive for Coronavirus, Has Been Quarantined.