Author Archive: Charles Glasser

THOSE WHO CAN’T DO, TEACH. THOSE WHO CAN’T TEACH BECOME UNION LEADERS: Poor Randi Weingarten. She declared the United Federation of Teachers’ endorsement of Hillary Clinton without a union vote (“Shut up” she explained) and is now performing electoral cunnilingus on Elizabeth Warren. Except her skills in writing clearly leave something to be desired:

Heh. Mrs. Krababble would be proud.

SOROS-DIRECTED GROUP THREATENS JEWISH JOURNALIST: for wait for it…wait for it…emailing them with questions.

“I sent a few more [e-mails] and Patrick Alley, one of the head honchos, finally emailed back. “We do not wish to have any further contact with you. We find these messages threatening. We are asking you to respect our wishes and not to engage in any further communication.” There was nothing remotely threatening in my emails, by any reasonable standard, other than the threat of legal action. I replied — and posted his email and my reply on social media — “Not going to happen, shitheads. Fuck off and you will be hearing from me.”

So the Soros people filed a complaint with the DC Police. Nice. It’s a good picture of the utopian world Soros pretends to want to build.


IT’S ALL IN WHAT YOU NAME IT: We know walls are for Nazis, racists and deplorables, right? So Wilhem DiBlasio, NYC’s Commissar decides a “privacy fence” is in order.

See, this is Trump’s biggest failing. He should never have used the word “wall.” He should have followed Cher’s lead and called it a “virtue ring.”

There, I fixed it.

NOT A SPOOF: I have no words.  They have out-smugged the PBS tote bag.

DO VENDING MACHINES DESERVE EQUAL PROTECTION? Professor Glenn links here to a College Fix article questioning the legality of having the abortifacient “Plan B” available on college campuses.

What I want to know is given the spurious but oft-unchallenged statistic that 20% of all college women are “rape victims”, why aren’t rape kits (also OTC) available in the same machine?

THE SOFT BIGOTRY OF LOWERED EXPECTATIONS: If Bloomberg says those knee-grows can’t be sensible gun owners, shut up, you racist. Or something.

NARCISSUS UNBOUND: “That whole, suddenly America’s, like, the biggest oil producer and the biggest gas — that was me, people.”

Not so fast.  According to The Daily Caller:

“Former president of Shell Oil Company John Hofmeister said former President Barack Obama had nothing to do with America’s increased oil production and actually frustrated many areas of the energy sector.”

The funny part is this is the same “won’t go away” guy who mocked Sarah Palin and John McCain for imploring further drilling. Victory has a thousand fathers, defeat is an orphan.

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): Obama’s spirit was well-captured in this work by the late (and very great) Joel Andrews:


MORE TO THE MANAFORT STORY: Referred to here, it turns out that The Guardian somewhat backpedaled on their “blockbuster” story by making “stealth corrections” and changing some of the factual assertions without telling readers. The current page carries no trashline, update or editor’s note telling the readers they made changes 3 times, according to correction tracker Newssniffer.

“Stealth” corrections are widely considered dishonest and unethical. Even The New York Times has said so. The Online News Association has gone as far as to say:

“Preventing mistakes is of huge importance, but so too is setting the stage to correct them quickly and fully by taking advantage of the networked news environment. Doing so not only meets our obligations to the public, but can, in fact, build trust and help us feel better about our work as journalists. Bottom line: Corrections are important.”

IF YOU DON’T LIKE MY PRINCIPLES, DON’T WORRY, I HAVE OTHER ONES: Poor Hillary finds a new “reason” for her loss every week. What she *still* fails to understand is that those “deplorable gun-and-bible clinging” people know a bullshit artist when they hear one. Now she’s triangulating to the right, admitting that maybe open borders and welfare for all isn’t a hot idea:

“I admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear message – ‘we are not going to be able to continue provide refuge and support’ – because if we don’t deal with the migration issue it will continue to roil the body politic,’ Clinton said.”

It’s almost like Claire McCaskill (Loser, Mo.) running on the “I’m not one of the crazy ones” platform. Too late, my dear.

CORPORATE VIRTUE SIGNALLING PART DEUX: This time it’s AirBnB deciding to make the world a better place by succumbing to the BDS crowd. The New York Post reports that:

Airbnb says: No Jews allowed. The apartment-sharing service has sided against Israel by banning and delisting the apartments of peaceful Jewish civilians living in Judea and Samaria. And that’s not even the worst part[…] No, the worst part is that Airbnb has singled out Jews, and only Jews, as the one group in the world that is worthy of such censure. That’s what makes its boycott a naked act of corporate anti-Semitism.

With any luck, people will stop doing business with AirBnB. As the Professor says:
“Get Woke, Go Broke.”

WHEN TRUMP DOES IT, IT’S A CRISIS: You may not agree with Glenn Greenwald often, and you may even believe that Julian Assange is/was a national security threat. Reasonable minds can differ. But Greenwald’s piece in The Intercept underscores what many conservatives, libertarians and free-thinkers have known for a while:

“Over the last two years, journalists and others have melodramatically claimed that press freedoms were being assaulted by the Trump administration due to trivial acts such as the President spouting adolescent insults on Twitter at Chuck Todd and Wolf Blitzer or banning Jim Acosta from White House press conferences due to his refusal to stop preening for a few minutes so as to allow other journalists to ask questions. Meanwhile, actual and real threats to press freedoms that began with the Obama DOJ and have escalated with the Trump DOJ – such as aggressive attempts to unearth and prosecute sources – have gone largely ignored if not applauded.”

Ask yourself this: If Acosta acted as he does in Saudi Arabia or China, do you think he’d ever see daylight again? “Trump was mean to me” just pales in comparison to the realWar on the Press.”


TRUMP, ACOSTA AND THE PRESS: My interview on the “Lawyer 2 Lawyer” podcast, where I predicted that the matter would turn on “due process.”

You know, that thing CNN et als didn’t apply to Kavanaugh.


RATS, SHIPS, SINKING…YOU KNOW THE REST: The Vermont Democratic party on Wednesday cancelled Michael Avenatti’s previously scheduled speaking appearances just hours after he was arrested on suspicion of domestic violence. The National Review reports that:

Avenatti, who is also facing potential criminal charges related to his handling of false sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh, also denied having assaulted his ex-wife.

Maybe Julie Swetnick can be a character witness for him.

THE PENNY DROPS: To her credit, actress/SJW Alyssa Milano is one of the few “feminists” of late to recognize the anti-Semitism baked into the Left, at least the leadership of the “Women’s March.” Tablet Magazine reports:

“Any time that there is any bigotry or anti-Semitism in that respect, it needs to be called out and addressed. I’m disappointed in the leadership of the Women’s March that they haven’t done it adequately,” Milano said in an interview with The Advocate when she was asked about the march leader’s relationship to the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan. Milano said she would decline to attend the next Women’s March.”

Better late than never.


“Asia Bibi was convicted in 2010 of insulting the Prophet Muhammad during a row with neighbours, and many are calling for the reinstatement of the death penalty following her acquittal.”

Sooner or later *real* feminists and honest human rights advocates are going to have to stop turning a blind eye to radical Islam (note qualifier “radical”) and stop being afraid of being called “Islamophobic” by CAIR and Linda Sarsour and The Guardian. Note that Sharia Law prevents women from staging counter-protests, speaking out against this…under pain of death.

Not unrelated: there will always be a Time for Choosing.


HEADLINE OF THE YEAR: I guess The Washington Post has hired the wizard from “The Princess Bride”, seeing how they must have been only “mostly dead”.

BONUS: “Real Journalism Matters”

NPR EDITOR SAYS SHE WAS RAPED: Good reminder that journalists — even accomplished ones — are not our moral superiors. (Can you hear me, Charlie Rose, Jeff Fager, Glenn Thrush, Matt Lauer, Bill O’Reilly, Mark Halperin?)


Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill has demanded a special prosecutor to investigate the use of James O’Keefe’s undercover or hidden camera techniques to address matters of indubitable public concern…It’s pretty clear why McCaskill is upset. In one video, a McCaskill staffer says that the senator downplays her support for gun control. Another staffer suggests she is downplaying her support from former President Barack Obama. In another video, McCaskill is accused of trying to hide her support from Planned Parenthood. Fairly or not, she is painted as a disingenuous hypocrite.

It goes deeper than the medias’ dislike for James O’Keefe. It goes to the heart of pet causes and biases in the newsrooms.

(Bumped up.)


Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill has demanded a special prosecutor to investigate the use of James O’Keefe’s undercover or hidden camera techniques to address matters of indubitable public concern…It’s pretty clear why McCaskill is upset. In one video, a McCaskill staffer says that the senator downplays her support for gun control. Another staffer suggests she is downplaying her support from former President Barack Obama. In another video, McCaskill is accused of trying to hide her support from Planned Parenthood. Fairly or not, she is painted as a disingenuous hypocrite.

It goes deeper than the medias’ dislike for James O’Keefe. It goes to the heart of pet causes and biases in the newsrooms.

OCCASIONAL CORTEX SPEAKS: I know many folks deny or excuse Soros being a Nazi collaborator, but in either event, characterizing him as if he were a Holocaust survivor is just facepalmingly stupid.
(BIAS DISCLOSURE: I grew up with people who had numbers tattooed on their arms.)

WE WILL BE THE ARBITER OF WHAT FACTS ARE IMPORTANT, YOU IGNORANT PEASANT: How very insightful of The Washington Post to carefully neglect telling readers that KKK founder Nathan Bedford Forrest was a delegate at the 1868 Democratic Convention. More surprising yet is the reporter, Lisa Rein, () claims to have a degree in History.

WISHING HER PEACE AND COMFORT: Sad news for the legal community, the country and honest feminists. Wishing Sandra Day O’Connor, the first woman to serve on the Supreme Court, comfort and peace.