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AS RICHARD FERNANDEZ SAYS, THE MEME-TORPEDOES HAVE CIRCLED BACK AROUND: Eight women say Charlie Rose sexually harassed them — with nudity, groping and lewd calls.

Eight women have told The Washington Post that longtime television host Charlie Rose made unwanted sexual advances toward them, including lewd phone calls, walking around naked in their presence, or groping their breasts, buttocks or genital areas.

The women were employees or aspired to work for Rose at the “Charlie Rose” show from the late 1990s to as recently as 2011. They ranged in age from 21 to 37 at the time of the alleged encounters. Rose, 75, whose show airs on PBS, also co-hosts “CBS This Morning” and is a contributing correspondent for “60 Minutes.”

There are striking commonalities in the accounts of the women, each of whom described their interactions with Rose in multiple interviews with The Post. For all of the women, reporters interviewed friends, colleagues or family members who said the women had confided in them about aspects of the incidents. Three of the eight spoke on the record.

Related: Progressive Groups Call on Franken to Resign amid Groping Allegations.

Now we can see why lefty media folks think America is a “rape culture:” The part of America they inhabit is.

UPDATE: Note that these guys usually seem to have female accomplices/enablers: “She would just shrug and just say, ‘That’s just Charlie being Charlie.’ ”


You might not think this kind of humor is funny, and that’s fine. Moreover, you might think Louis C.K., who initiated sexual situations with unwilling women, is a creepy person who has lost the right to joke about uncomfortable subjects. That’s also fine. But it would be silly to pretend that Louis C.K. has undergone some sort of change or deliberate pivot. He’s just doing his same old shtick.

But many in the media have seized upon the idea that Louis C.K. has suddenly became a right-winger—that his new material is some dramatic departure from his pre-scandal days as a woke comedy icon. “Audio of a New Louis C.K. Set Has Leaked, and It’s Sickening,” warns Slate, striking the tone of a nun listening to Eminem for the first time. The Daily Beast accuses Louis C.K. of “pandering to the alt-right,” which is quite the broad categorization; the tons of people—New Yorkers, presumably—who can be heard laughing in the background of the leaked footage would probably be surprised to learn that they take their cues from Richard Spencer.

I can’t recall very many people on the left complaining that Louis C.K. was pandering to pedophiles when he joked about normalizing child rape so that rapists would be more likely to let their child victims live. On the contrary, GQ placed that joke on its list of the 10 best Louis C.K. skits, hailing him as the most transgressive and celebrated comedian “of his generation.”

Those who suddenly find themselves balking at Louis C.K.’s edgy material should admit that the comedian didn’t really change. They did.

As Richard Fernandez has said, the torpedoes the left fired into the water to get Trump keep circling back on them. To the point where the left have become the far right Moral Majority of the late 1970s. Or as Michael Brendan Dougherty wrote in a piece titled “Hugh Hefner, Gangsta Rap & The Emerging Moral Majority, after Hef entered his “After Dark” mode permanently in September of 2017, on the eve of Harvey Weinstein and Louis C.K.’s fall from grace, and the concurrent dawn of the #MeToo era, “Moral concerns pop up one decade in right-wing clothes, and, in the next, change into another outfit.”


A CBS executive has been placed on leave after a report was released with accusations that he regularly made sexual and homophobic comments at work — including allegedly calling Stephen Colbert “gay” and saying actor Hugh Jackman is “in the closet.”

Vincent “Vinnie” Favale was put on leave while bosses investigate, a CBS spokesperson said Wednesday.

As Richard Fernandez has said, the torpedoes the Democrats put in the water to sink Trump keep circling back on them.

NOT THE ONION: Feminist Apparel CEO Fires Entire Staff After They Learn He’s An Admitted Sexual Abuser.

The employees of the popular clothing company Feminist Apparel thought they were creating tools for the resistance. The online store’s viral shirts and accessories — which feature sayings like “Cats against catcalls” and “Trans rights are human rights” — became staples at events like the Women’s March and Pride. The brand amassed over 360k followers on Instagram and Facebook and was behind viral moments like the “No Catcall Zone” signs that took over NYC. Plus every item sold helped support an independent artist, and in many cases, a partnering organization that would receive part of the proceeds.

It all came to a grinding halt in June of 2018 when Feminist Apparel staff discovered that the brand’s founder and CEO Alan Martofel had an admitted history of sexually abusing women. In fact, he claims it’s the reason why he started the company in the first place. After asking for his resignation, all nine employees were fired without notice or severance. (Only Martfel and an outside consultant remained.)

“This is the patriarchy and toxic masculinity at its fucking finest,” says Rebecca Green, the company’s now-former art director. “I feel righteous and angry. I feel supported by my coworkers and friends. I also feel tired. I feel incredibly sorry knowing that there are survivors in this office who were led to believe that their contributions to this company were directly going to creating a safe space and platform for survivors, feminists, and marginalized identities. As an artist myself creating work based on my own experiences with the patriarchy, toxic masculinity, and harassment for this company — and by extension this man — I feel used and willfully mislead.”

As Richard Fernandez says, the torpedoes the Democrats put in the water to sink Trump keep circling back on them.

#GODTOO? Morgan Freeman accused of inappropriate behavior by eight women.

On the Weinstein-Polanski scale of Hollywood depravity, what the article at The Hill describes Freeman of doing is pretty small beans (mostly being a jerk on film sets), but as Richard Fernandez has said, the torpedoes the left fired to sink Trump keep circling back on them.

FLASHBACK: Watch accused sexual harasser Morgan Freeman narrate a campaign video for Hillary Clinton.

As David French recently wrote, “The steady drumbeat of sexual scandal is eroding the Left’s moral authority.

(Via SDA.)

WELCOME TO THE BACKLASH TO THE BACKLASH: Academy members now regret banning Weinstein so hastily.

When Hollywood’s most prestigious organization, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) — the group of nearly 7,000 actors, directors and other industry types who dole out the Oscars — expelled Harvey Weinstein on Oct. 14, audiences applauded. But by acting so swiftly, a mere nine days after the New York Times first reported allegations of sexual assault against the movie producer, the outfit now finds itself facing a dilemma.

Put simply: What to do with the rest of them?

Harvey opened the floodgates,” said one male Academy member. “Now the Academy’s drowning in a tide of s—t. They don’t know what hit them.”

As Twitchy notes, “They’re not worried about the fact that Hollywood is full of sexual offenders, they’re worried about what will happen to the Academy.” Why is Democrat-dominated Hollywood such a cesspit of abuse and misogyny?

But note that this is of a trend, of the left having second thoughts on what Claire Berlinski dubbed the “Warlock hunt” they’ve ginned up:

Publicly, We Say #MeToo. Privately, We Have Misgivings.

Senator Al Franken’s Resignation Is Deeply Unfair.

Don’t let the alt-right hijack #MeToo for their agenda: Feminism is now being weaponized for right-wing agendas. We must not allow that to happen.

Pervnado began in 2016 with the since-deceased Roger Ailes being toppled from Fox, followed eventually by Bill O’Reilly, and NBC leaking the Trump pussy-grabbing tape to the Washington Post. At the time, the left and the news media (but I repeat myself) were happy to sit back and pass the popcorn, because they assumed this was simply a rightwing issue, and it served them in 2016 as battlefield prep for Hillary.

But the firings of the Fox News icons created a template: In his twitter thread in October on Harvey Weinstein’s career demise, Brian Cates wrote, “What took out Ailes/O’Reilly was so many women coming forward at once. The usual playbook of legal threats/buying them off didn’t work. Watching Ailes & then O’Reilly being suddenly toppled, it COULD be some women in Hollywood realized there was hope.”

Couple that with the left’s “we’re all victims” mentality, and as Richard Fernandez says, the Democrats’ torpedoes aimed at Trump and Fox News have circled back, bigly. As Jonah Goldberg once wrote:

Liberals are geniuses at unleashing social panics because A) it never occurs to them that their motives are anything but pure and B) because they are almost exclusively focused on short term tactics. And yet they are invariably shocked when these moral frenzies come back to bite them. McCarthyism was a direct consequence of both the Red Scare and the Brown Scare. And when the tactics they mastered were turned on them, they acted as if they came from nowhere.

As Kurt Schlichter tried to warn them, the left don’t seem to be enjoying living under the new rules they created. Particularly when the tactics they’ve mastered end up devouring too many of their own, and those who are left are likely too powerful to airbrush out of history.

QED: Bill Clinton, still doing Democratic fundraisers.