MORE SCANDAL? Gore takes cash for water campaign from chemical firm. “Al Gore, the self-styled squeakiest-clean and deepest-green politician in American history, has some explaining to do this weekend. His environmental organisation has taken money to raise awareness about the need for clean water from a controversial chemicals company involved in the aftermath of one of the world’s worst pollution disasters.”

UPDATE: Don Surber emails:

I hate defending Gore but if you want to clean up water you go to the guys with
the chemicals that clean up water. Dow took over Union Carbide 15-20 years after

On my commute to work, I drive past the U.S. plant that was the model for Bhopal
and it still makes MIC. (Bayer owns it now.)

Dow’s a good guy. It provides jobs and damned good products and it tries to do so

From Don that’s sensible. But the problem is, demonization, not being sensible, is what Gore does. Except when there’s a buck in it. Then he can become sensible real quick.