THE NEW FACE OF THE G.O.P. — Condi Rice? They could do worse. And probably will!

UPDATE: Reader Rose Hughes emails:

All this isn’t about racism – it is about elitism.

The “powers that be” – right AND left – have decided that a black woman will never get elected regardless of her intellect and experience. I’m sure that, if asked, they would tell you it is because of those clinging to guns and religion would never stand for it.

Yet, in the boonies where I live, I heard Condi Rice mentioned as a great candidate before I ever heard the name of Barak Obama. I always get the sense that Obama’s speeches are to show how much smarter he is than us because they seldom say much. Rice, who is so much smarter than many of us, communicates content because she has nothing to prove about how smart she is.

Yes, folks on the right and left “leadership’ consistently underestimate ordinary Americans. In both cases, I suspect they’re still compensating for social awkwardness in high school . . . .

ANOTHER UPDATE: Col. Douglas Mortimer writes:

Dude. Among the bitter clingers I know, and I know some real ones, Condi is a genuine hero. She’s pro-gun, goes to church, is conservative enough, and looks great in a pair of high heeled black leather boots. She is like a GOP Halley Berry. Hubba hubba hubba.
