FROM TPM MUCKRAKER, an amusing find:

Remember the strange case of Norman Hsu that roiled the Hillary Clinton campaign during the Democratic primary back in 2007?

Hsu was a top bundler for the campaign who was found to have hidden his past as a crook and Hillary was forced to return over $800,000 in donations. He was later convicted on campaign finance charges and plead guilty to 10 counts in a Ponzi scheme.

At the time of the crisis, Hassan Nemazee, indicted yesterday in his own alleged Ponzi scheme — considerably larger than Hsu’s $20 million operation — was a national finance chair for the Hillary campaign.

And guess who the campaign dispatched to talk to reporters to tamp down the Hsu story? One Hassan Nemazee.

There sure do seem to be a lot of fraudsters circling around these folks. My heart goes out to them, as it must be painful to have attracted so many predators.