ANN ALTHOUSE TRANSLATES: “Excuse me. If I may be so bold. I hate to trouble you but…. I don’t mean to impose… I’m not interfering… Far be it from me to suggest anything that you might be able to characterize as meddling. I’m no meddler. Not at all. I’m just over here, modestly deploring violence.”
Jules Crittenden: “It isn’t his problem, he’s steering clear of it, and he wants the world to know that.”
But aides want him to get whatever credit is to be had: “Privately, Obama advisers are crediting his Cairo speech for inspiring the protesters.”
Plus, “Weenie diplomacy.”
UPDATE: Praise for Obama from Ed Morrissey: “I’ve been highly critical about Obama’s lack of response on Iran; I think he did very well today. He condemned Iran in unequivocal and harsh terms. Charles Krauthammer says he finally ‘adopted McCain language,’ and points out that Obama always claims consistency whenever he changes direction. Obama should have rescinded our offer of ‘weenie diplomacy,’ which belies the tough talk. At least, though, Obama has caught up with most of the rest of the free world.”
ANOTHER UPDATE: Tom Maguire: “Apparently Team Obama has opted for a tougher line. Well, he had nothing to lose on the ‘engage with the mullahs’ strategy anyway.”
Plus, from the comments: “Yes comrade, wheat production is up an amazing 34%. Thank you for asking such a wonderful question.” But I don’t think that’s fair. Frankly, Nico Pitney at HuffPo has put the establishment press to shame, and deserved a question. Nor was it a softball.
MORE: Reader Michael Tubergen writes: “I can’t help but wonder why the President couldn’t just read from the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence. That pretty much says everything that needs to be said about the Iranian situation.”
Might start too many people thinking.