OCEANIA HAS ALWAYS BEEN AT WAR WITH TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE: Hilarious: Jake Tapper to Explain Biden Brain Coverup and Why It Was a Bad Idea.

The book isn’t out yet so I could be wrong, but I think the chances that Jake Tapper will spill the beans on how he and the rest of the Pravda Media colluded with the White House to cover up Biden’s senility are about zero.

For years, my recurring headline for Joe’s innumerable gaffes was “Super Gaffe-O-Matic ’76,” a takeoff on Dan Aykroyd’s classic Saturday Night Live TV commercial parody. I ran my first “Trunalimunumaprzure!” headline near the end of the 2020 election, after Biden screamed his way through a speech, badly garbling the script on his teleprompter. On September 29th of 2020, William Voegeli of the Claremont Institute published his column headlined “The Weak Leading the Woke,” in which he debated, “Is Biden still, you know, all there?” In contrast, Tapper was a loyal trooper until Biden’s disastrous debate with Trump in June of last year, when the new marching orders went out:

Tapper now tells us that he and others saw Biden’s “health problems,” but that sure isn’t what he told us all at the time. He was just as much an attack dog against Biden critics as any MSNBC flak, and his network was as much in on the conspiracy to hide Biden’s decline and slander those of us pointing it out as Karine Jean-Pierre.

A decade ago, John Nolte of Breitbart.com coined the phrase “Bensmithing” to describe how the Buzzfeed (later the New York Times and now Semafor) Democrat stenographer Ben Smith would feign being bored anytime conservatives pointed out how Obama was screwing up and dismiss each issue as a nothingburger. Perhaps Tapper will be employing Will Smith to shoot the commercials for his new book: