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SUPER GAFFE-O-MATIC ’76: (Watch) Joe Biden Just Made Another Trump Ad. “Reporter: ‘56% of Americans said that they are better off today than they were 4 years ago under the Obama-Biden administration. Why should they vote for you?’ Biden: ‘Well if they think that, they probably shouldn’t.’”

SUPER GAFFE-O-MATIC ’76: Joe Biden is racking up Pinocchios briskly during the pandemic. Biden has “collected a total of eleven Pinocchios from the Washington Post in just the past few weeks. When it wasn’t Biden himself ‘misspeaking’ it was one of his aides. And these were all completely avoidable errors on the part of Biden’s team.”

SUPER GAFFE-O-MATIC ’76: The Biden Campaign’s Biggest Technical Difficulty Is… Joe Biden. “Spare a thought today for our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters in the press. They’re going through a lot right now. In 2016 they sacrificed what was left of their dignity to drag Hillary Clinton across the finish line, and she failed them anyway. Now they’re expected to spend the next eight months cleaning up after this doddering old fossil, who makes Hillary look like a paragon of competence and health. No wonder they’re so grouchy all the time!”

SUPER GAFFE-O-MATIC ’76! Biden asks for support on ‘Super Thursday’ in yet another blunder.

And right on cue: Twitter temporarily suspends liberal journalist for quoting that Biden gaffe.

To be fair, Joe’s Gaffe-O-Matic machine isn’t hurting him at all tonight: As Steve notes in his still ongoing Drunkblog (peace be on his liver), “It looks like Bernie has collapsed all up and down the East Coast, minus his home state,” — with Elizabeth Warren currently in third in her home state.

“The best part of tomorrow is going to be listening to [Massachusetts Democrats] blame [Warren’s] disastrous performance in her home state on the sexism and misogyny of…[Massachusetts Democrats],” Michael Graham tweets.

SUPER GAFFE-O-MATIC ’76! “‘It is important that Iowa and Nevada have spoken,’ Joe Biden says, presumably meaning New Hampshire as Nevada hasn’t yet spoken.”

And file under Annals of Leftist Autophagy: “Joe Biden’s Campaign Was a Disaster for Liberalism and the Democratic Party.” Jonathan Chait of New York magazine absolutely tears into Biden, before concluding that his “campaigns in 1988 and 2008 ended in disaster for Biden. His 2020 campaign is going to end in a disaster for the whole party.”

SUPER GAFFE-O-MATIC ’76: Joe Biden calls a woman at one of his events a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier.” Is this what he was talking about?

[John] Wayne appeared in 180 movies over 50 years, and who knows what they called him in all of them? But it seems at least as likely that Biden is thinking of a different film: Pony Soldier, a 1952 western from director Joseph M. Newman starring Tyrone Power as a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. “Pony Soldier,” in the context of the film, is a Native American nickname for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and although no one calls Power a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier,” a chief does say, “The pony soldier speaks with a tongue of the snake that rattles,” which isn’t far off:

Is that the scene—filtered through Joe Biden’s memory of his brother’s memory of an old Western—that inspired Joe Biden to call a young woman at one of his events a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier” nearly 70 years later? We may never know, but one thing is certain: For Democrats who want to nominate a presidential candidate with a vast library of half-remembered old Westerns floating around in their brains, there’s only one choice.

Well, that’s what a Democrat presidential candidate wants to hear from Slate(!) on the eve of the New Hampshire primary.

Related: Metaphor alert: The power is out at Joe Biden’s hotel in New Hampshire.

SUPER GAFFE-O-MATIC ’76: Biden Prods Man in Tense Confrontation at Campaign Event: ‘Go Vote For Someone Else.’

Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden repeatedly prodded a man in the chest before telling him to “go vote for someone else,” during a campaign event in Iowa this week, after the man asked about Biden’s stance on gas pipelines.

“I’m gonna support you if you win the nomination because we’ve got to get rid of Trump, but what are we going to do about climate change?” asked the man. “Now, you say you’re against pipelines, but then you want to replace these gas lines, and that’s not gonna work. We’ve got to stop building and replacing pipelines.”

Biden responded by moving in close to the man and prodding his chest, before telling him to “go vote for someone else.”

As the Federalist’s Jesse Kelly tweets, “Biden is always snapping at reporters, telling voters how fat they are, and putting his hands on people because he’s in over his head. He ain’t chilling as Vice President while Hunter gets shish-kabobed by strippers anymore. This is the big leagues.”