HOW THE LEFT REVERSES ‘ORDO AMORIS:’ There is a traditional Christian doctrine, Ordo Amoris or Ordered Loves, that prioritizes the objects of an individual’s loves. It begins with one’s own family, then one’s neighbors, one’s community, the state, the nation and then those beyond the nation. If you see a parallel in that order with federalism, you’re on target.
But, as Dr. Steve Turley and Rod Martin explore in a well-spent 20 minute video discussion, the Left has focused a great part of its resources for a century on reversing the traditional Ordo Amoris.
Among the many destructive results they focus on are seen in the growing hate among younger Americans who view this nation as inherently evil from its founding, to say nothing of the insistence that America is obligated to open its borders to all comers and then give them preference over citizens.