I WAS JUST ON BRIAN LEHRER’S SHOW, talking about the importance of being handy. I don’t think my own appearance was especially brilliant, but it was interesting that the WNYC phone lines were jammed with people wanting to talk on the subject. More evidence for my “cultural moment” theory. Here’s the post that got them interested.
UPDATE: Oh, and if you’re coming here from the show, here’s the Skill Sets page I mentioned.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader David Hignite emails:
When I’m at our apartment in NYC, I often visit the Home Depot on 3rd Ave. I’ve lost count of the number of times women and even a few men have come up to me while I’m looking at something asking me about the item, how it installs, what tools do you need, etc. A single guy with moderate handyman knowledge could make a killing in Manhattan in more ways than one.
Now there’s an incentive.
MORE: They were nice enough to send me the player code, so you can listen below if you like: