IN THE MAIL: Mark Penn’s Microtrends: The Small Forces Behind Tomorrow’s Big Changes. Looks pretty interesting, and when I opened it at random I found this passage on romance in the workplace and the need to accommodate people’s changing lives:
As the number of female Ph.D.’s skyrocketed — from about 8000 in 1966 to over 20000 in 2002 — there was a huge boom in the number of academic couples. As a result, universities have been working for decades on ways not only to permit, but to encourage, positions for double-entry candidates . . . .
It’s a new workplace out there, and in what was once a male-dominated office environment, where sexual harassment was the number one problem, the power structure is changing and so is the social structure.
I think that’s probably right, though I have to note that the book has a blurb from Bill Clinton . . . .