SO I ASKED ABOUT THE KINDLE 2 EARLIER, and various readers offered their advice. (Or noted that you can get InstaPundit via the Kindle). Most people were positive — Kindle-owners generally liked ’em. Reader Jamie McArdle (no relation to Megan) writes:
My husband got me a Kindle for my birthday last Sept. It’s obviously thicker, possibly heavier, doesn’t hold as much as the Kindle 2, has clunkier buttons, doesn’t have the Read To Me feature… and I love love love it and take it everywhere. I don’t even take advantage of all the features it does have – podcasts, subscriptions to stuff, etc. – but I’ve gotten so dependent on it that when I do pick up a paper book (VERY rare!), it takes me a minute to change gears and realize that I have to physically move a piece of paper in order to turn the page.
My thought, originally, was to read everything possible on the Kindle and buy the books that turned out to be my favorites in hardcover; so far I’m just thrilled to have ALL my favorites with me at all times. (I also found a number of sources of literature that’s in the public domain and therefore cost nothing to download – not only a great boon, as I read alot, but also a mind-expander as I read things I might not have sought out in a library.) I still love a “real” book, but increasingly that feeling
is more theoretical than practical in my life!
On the other hand, reader Jeff Shultz writes:
I think I’ll stick with my Palm Tungsten TX w/Mobipocket instead.
1. Palm TX does more – it’s a fully featured PDA (w/o a phone). Kindle is a tricked out iPod with a digital book program included.
2. Palm TX is cheaper. Much cheaper.
3. Palm TX does not appear that it will snap in half if I look at it sideways (and the Rhinoskin case guarantees it). Seriously – that Kindle 2 looks very fragile.
4. Palm TX fits in pockets or on my belt. Kindle 2 is still too large. Did it really need the keyboard?
5. My Palm TX is expandable with SD cards.
Overall, the positive assessments from Kindle owners far outweighed the negative email.