MEET THE FORGOTTEN AUTHOR OF ‘WOKE:’ Richard Pollock is absolutely essential reading whenever he digs into the history of the New and Far-Left movements in this country since the 1960s. He knows this history because he was an insider participant in it for many years before recognizing the Right reality.

In his latest Substack column, Pollock reminds us of the crucial role of the Marxist Professor Herbert Marcuse in developing the theoretical background for what developed into the oppressive contemporary Wokeness.

“One of Marcuse’s most virulent and dangerous legacies was his ardent advocacy for censorship in America, which I describe in detail below. His dark sentiments regrettably influenced a whole generation of progressives who today largely lead our mainstream media, our movie studios, publishing houses, ad agencies and our educational institutions. We now can see Marcuse’s ugly theories and handiwork in real time in America,” Pollock explains in his latest Substack.

This Pollock contribution is longer than usual but then he has so much knowledge and insight to share on these topics because, as he informs us, he knows “a bit about Marcuse because I was a New Left activist and was exposed to Marxist ideas as the roommate with the late Rennie Davis, one of the Chicago 8 defendants.

“I became friends with such radicals as Jerry Rubin, Tom Hayden and Abbie Hoffman. In the 1970’s, I also participated in a number Marxist-Leninist study groups in Washington, D.C. In fact, I once was in a Marxist-Leninist-Mao Tse Tung study group. Yes, they existed!”