CHANGE: The Return of The King: The Age of Men Comes Once More.. “In many ways it is what Tolkien called a eucatastrophe that sudden turn in a story where the hero dramatically avoids some probable doom. Everything was in place to permanently destroy the US as a country; if Harris had won, the forces puppeteering her would have created a new citizenry out of whole cloth and instituted changes that would utterly collapse the rule of law. That prospect is a fading proposition now, roundly repudiated by a force the enemy thought beaten down and irrelevant. Much has been made of the political and social significance of Trump’s defeating not one, but two women in non-successive presidential elections. Not enough has been made of the metaphysical implications. Trump has done more than change the course of policy; he has revived and re-energized Western manhood.”

Related: The Fall of Maternal Liberalism. “Much of our political discourse is characterized by raging against the ghosts of things long dead, not least the old ideals of masculinity, reframed as “toxic.” In our public institutional and cultural spheres, women are idealized as body- and health-conscious, empathetic, compliant, accommodating, and deferential to the judgment of experts. Supporters fawned that Harris was just the female leader the world needs.”

In fact, she was an inept moron. And the “fearless girl,” standing in front of a charging bull, wasn’t too bright either. That statue was a freeze-frame in a story that ends badly. (In an era where Americans were closer to their agricultural roots, that would have been recognized and jeered across the board.) But it made upper-class white women feel good about themselves, so that was overlooked. Kamala Harris’s presidency would have ended badly, too.

Plus: Democrats: try being less feminine: Why men vote Republican. It’s not so much that the Dems are feminine as that they are affirmatively anti-masculine.

Plus: “Interestingly, the gender gap in support for Democrats is even larger among non-white voters. This year, it was only 8 points among whites, but was 14 points among blacks and 17 points among Hispanics.”