YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK: Leave it to the dedicated folks at Open the Books to keep digging deeply into the federal budget (as well as state and municipal budgets) and exposing more of the rottenness, despite so recently losing its founder, Adam Andrzejewski. See here as well.

You’ve likely never heard of the Department of Education’s Foreign Languages and Area Studies (FLAS) grants, but your tax dollars are funding more than $283 million since 2020 through the program, including $22.1 million to 12 major universities focused on the Middle East.

Among a number of the FLAS-funded programs on those campuses are professors who are blatantly teaching anti-semitism, encouraging violent demonstrations on behalf of the Hamas-dominated Palestinian population, and praising that terrorist group’s October 7, 2023, massacre of more than 1,200 Jews in Israel.