ILLEGALS VOTING: Democrats and their media allies constantly claim voter fraud is a non-existent problem, but that’s not the view of experts interviewed by Ben Johnson of The Washington Stand.

“’A 2014 academic journal found that 6.4 percent of noncitizens voted in 2008,’ Kerri Toloczko, executive director of Election Integrity Network and senior advisor to the Only Citizens Vote Coalition, told The Washington Stand. ‘There are about 24 million noncitizens in the U.S. right now. If they voted only at the same rate of 6.4 percent this year as they did in 2008, they would account for 1.5 million votes,’ Johnson reports.

“That ponderous number of unlawful votes may just be the tip of the iceberg. ‘Based on the increased noncitizen activity at state DMVs, and the work of left-wing voter registration activists, this 6.4 percent could be much higher than it was in 2008. We could be looking at over two million unlawful noncitizen votes,’ she told TWS.”