Do you get the feeling that the media is starting to dislike Kamala Harris?

Despite all the Joy©  that the media had recently been peddling with all the conviction of a billboard in Pyongyang, one senses an underlying mood of growing discomfort.

“Was CNN’s big Kamala Harris interview a dud?” asked the Washington Post. CNN itself criticized Kamala for her flip-flopping on border security. MSNBC ripped her for her flip flopping on Israel. Arch-leftist Chris Cillizza wondered if there is anything Kamala actually believes. Axios called her out for mimicking Biden’s basement campaign strategy. Even the Guardian insisted she needs to stop hiding and to talk to the press.

That’s certainly a 180 degree change from the headlines she was making throughout July.

What to make of all this? At this point in the Gore, Kerry, Obama, Clinton, and Biden campaigns, the media had by now firmly circled the wagons and was playing its dutiful part as a neutered Pravda to the Democrat Politburo. There was no question of ever criticizing their candidate in public. So what is different this time around?

I doubt the DNC-MSM liked Biden very much (who never failed to publicly humiliate them, long before his brains turned to applesauce), but as state media propagandists, they knew their job was to defend him. Similarly, they’ll do their best to push Kamala into the end zone this time around as well. As an earlier Democrat presidential candidate was famously quoted as saying, “You don’t have to fall in love, you just have to fall in line.”