GOOGLE CENSORS ISSUES & INSIGHTS: What happens when you don’t adhere to the Left’s accepted party line on climate change? You get censored and you may also get demonetized. That’s what Google did to Issues & Insights for publishing a superb editorial that features, among much else worth reading, the following paragraph:

“From choosing carbon dioxide as the villain because it’s a convenient ‘leverage point’ for assuming ‘control over a society,’ as noted by retired Massachusetts Institute of Technology meteorology professor Richard Lindzen, to the effort to smear skeptics as ‘deniers,’ the entire global warming enterprise has been a Trojan horse hauled into society by fanatics who are more than willing to lie about ‘the science’ to advance their anti-capitalist, anti-freedom political agenda.”

How about letting readers read and make up their own minds, Google? Isn’t that the essence of being a free individual?