But, an AP “fact check” notes: Video takes 2017 clip of Nancy Pelosi discussing smear tactics out of context.

CLAIM: A clip shows then-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi openly admitting how Democrats get the media to legitimize lies using a tactic called the “wrap-up smear.”

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. A clip of Pelosi speaking at a 2017 press conference has been edited to remove context. Pelosi was describing a tactic she accused Republicans of using against Democrats. In other portions of her response not shown in the clip, Pelosi makes it clear she is not talking about her own party.

Of course, Democrats would never, ever use such tactics themselves. Just like AP would never, ever have an office in the same building in Gaza as Hamas.

Related: Speaking of San Fran Nan, “Pelosi snapped back at MSNBC host Joe Scarborough — a Democrat [well, effectively so these days — Ed] and former House member — when he suggested Walz is ‘progressive.’ ‘Tim Walz is wonderful. He served in the House,’ Pelosi said. ‘To characterize him as left is so unreal. He’s right down the middle.'”

But is he ready for Mount Rushmore, as Pelosi said of (P)resident Joe Biden on Sunday?