PRO-HAMAS PROTESTORS WARN HARRIS, TRASH THE CAPITOL: Yesterday’s massive and violent protests around the U.S. Capitol grounds by pro-Palestinian/radical far-Left activists were a blunt warning to presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.

That’s according to Richard Pollock, the former Saul Alinsky tactics trainer of New Left radicals in the Chicago 7 era. Pollock saw the light years ago and, after a successful career with ABC Good Morning America, has been one of the best investigative journalists on the Right. To say Pollock knows how the Far-Left operates is an understatement.

In his latest column on Substack (composed shortly after observing on-scene the protests throughout the day) Pollock pointed to comments by radical activist Linda Sansour:

“’Don’t be surprised that a war criminal has been invited by a country that harbors our own war criminals,’ she said. ‘And at the top of the list is President Joe Biden,’ she declared to vigorous applause.

“Sansour was direct. She warned the Democratic Party might lose the Muslim and Far Left votes in November. ‘Let us be clear. Our votes are still to be earned.’

“It was a direct warning to both Harris and to the Democratic Party that their election in November could be imperiled if they ignored anti-Israel voters. Similar warnings were issued earlier this year after voters in American Muslim enclaves voted to boycott then candidate Biden.”

As I’ve previously noted, Pollock was a much-valued colleague on my Watchdog investigative reporting teams at the Washington Examiner and Daily Caller News Foundation. The man knows the Far Left from the inside out and he knows how to dig out the facts the MSM refuses to report.