A FORD – CORKER CONFRONTATION: A.C. Kleinheider has video.
UPDATE: That video link no longer works, for some reason but if you go to this story and click on the little camera icon on the left you can see it. Ford’s behavior here seems odd and out of character — the sort of thing that a candidate who’s way behind and desperate for press might pull, not one who’s in striking distance of a win. It’s the first time I’ve seen Corker looking significantly more confident and comfortable than Ford. I don’t get it.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Another Ford misstep. He’s run such a strong campaign until now.
And Kleinheider thinks that this is what upset Ford:
In the press conference inside, Corker called for a ban on family members of elected Congressional officials lobbying any member of Congress, pointing out that Ford’s father, Harold Ford Sr., is a registered lobbyist in Washington. Corker also called for more transparency in the way third parties pay for Congressional travel, pointing to 69 trips Ford has made. He also recommended earmark reform for appropriations spending bills.
This seems like pretty tame stuff to elicit such a reaction. I’m all for earmark reform. So’s Ford, though — at least that’s what he said in our interview.
MORE: Further analysis from Kleinheider here.
STILL MORE: “What on Earth is Harold Ford Jr. thinking? He has run a smooth and professional campaign so far and he pulls a stunt like this? His handlers must have been taking the day off.”
More video here.