IRAN IN KUWAIT: StrategyPage reports:

Kuwait announced that it’s police and intelligence services had discovered an Iran espionage and sabotage organization within Kuwait. The Iranian agents, recruited from among the Shia (who are half the population) in Kuwait, were often trained in Iran. The Iranian network consisted mainly of “sleeper cells” (agents who were inactive, and went about their normal lives until activated by their Iranian bosses.) Kuwait is still trying to discover the extent of the Iranian networks, but fears that it may be a large one (several thousand members).

Iran is a big threat. I had thought that one of the major reasons for invading Iraq was to put the squeeze on Iran, but inexplicably we don’t seem to have done anything much, even in response to Iranian support for the insurgency in Iraq and Hezbollah’s actions in Lebanon. This is why I’ve wondered before if Iran already has nuclear weapons, or is somehow managing to deter us in another fashion.