THE MAJORITY OF OUR INSTITUTIONS WERE REVEALED AS CORRUPT, ENTITLED, AND INEPT: Harvard Tramples the Truth: When it came to debating Covid lockdowns, Veritas wasn’t the university’s guiding principle.
Harvard and the wider scientific community have much work to do to deserve and regain public trust. The first steps are the restoration of academic freedom and the cancelling of cancel culture. When scientists have different takes on topics of public importance, universities should organize open and civilized debates to pursue the truth. Harvard could have done that—and it still can, if it chooses.
Almost everyone now realizes that school closures and other lockdowns, were a colossal mistake. Francis Collins has acknowledged his error of singularly focusing on Covid without considering collateral damage to education and non-Covid health outcomes. That’s the honest thing to do, and I hope this honesty will reach Harvard. The public deserves it, and academia needs it to restore its credibility.
I was talking to a friend yesterday, and we noted that everyone now knows that Covid came from a Chinese lab with U.S. government funding, and yet no one has been hanged yet. When people can perpetrate enormities with no consequences, there’s little reason to trust them.