A PLANE HAS CRASHED INTO AN APARTMENT BUILDING in Manhattan. Not much in the way of detail at the moment. Most likely an accident, but it’s natural to wonder at this point.

UPDATE: Slightly more information here, via Drudge.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Seems pretty clear that it’s an accident.

MORE: Much more information from Brendan Loy.

STILL MORE: Apparently, Yankees pitcher Cory Lidle was aboard the plane.

MORE STILL: An Alec Baldwin sighting.

AND FINALLY: John Podhoretz emails to defend Alec Baldwin:

I actually know why Alec Baldwin was trying to cross the barricade. He was going to visit a friend who just had a baby at New York Hospital, which was blocked off. I know this because his friend is a close friend of my wife’s, who was herself visiting the hospital a few minutes before the plane hit.

So there you are.