I RAISED THE INSTA-DAUGHTER WELL: She was just telling me how she made homemade mayo with avocado oil, but then added bacon grease at the end for flavor. Genius. Like homemade Baconnaise, but better than the storebought version. Which isn’t bad.
UPDATE: Due to many requests, here’s her recipe:
I fry enough bacon to suit my heart. You want it crispy. Let cool.
Then mix an egg yolk with 1tsp dijon mustard and very slowly add 1/2 cup oil (I use a mild olive). Once it’s thickened, stir in a spoonful or two of bacon grease to taste, chop up and add a couple slices of bacon (I just eat the rest), and voila. Delicious on toast with tomatoes or stirred into pasta salad.
“I just eat the rest.” Did I raise her well, or did I raise her well?