JOHN LUCAS: Who Will Win Our Wars?

In response to an Austin Bay piece a couple of days ago, commenter BobinNashville has some not-too-cheerful thoughts:

Today America’s military is emasculated, devoid of martial purpose, led by overly-intelligent fools, and has no magazine depth. Worse it is afraid of the second-guessing which it would face if it delivered an unapologetic schwacking of Iran. Imagine the antisemitic blowback against Israel since October 7th and multiply several orders of magnitude. This nation’s military leadership (much less its political leadership) does not have the balls to say “f**k you” to those who would question the proper application of harsh tactics. Furthermore, it has bought into John Kerry’s banal Pottery Barn rule. Sometimes—nay, oftentimes—breaking it is good enough. We would be stuck in Iran for years—at least until we ran out of money, which would be much sooner as a result.

It’s long past time to take a honest look at our dire situation and make a course correction. Think England circa 1913 and consider now what it should have done. That is where we are today.

I’m not as gloomy as he is, but read what he has to say.