BLASTS HIT COMMUTER TRAINS IN MUMBAI: Follow the link for a big roundup from Pajamas Media. It’s being continuously updated.

UPDATE: Indian blogger / journalist Amit Varma has much more. And here’s a new group blog devoted to the topic.

Hugh Hewitt:

Those killers and their allies would gladly deliver the same destruction on American trains, planes and in American buildings.

That they have not been able to do so within our borders since 9/11 is because of the success of law enforcement and intelligence agencies, a record made more difficult to maintain with every press revelation of methods and sources.

He seems pretty angry. [What do you expect from a “nutty but lovable crank?” — Ed.]

ANOTHER UPDATE: Daniel Berczik has heard from his daughter in Mumbai:

Caitlin is in Bombay. I have just spoken to her. She is reporting that the scene is in chaos and that there is She is making her way to her friend’s house where she is staying, but has become separated from him. She sounds okay, but rather shook up.

I can imagine. [LATER: Note that text messages are getting through where cellphone calls aren’t. This is common in disasters, and worth remembering.] And Gateway Pundit has photos and video.

More from Pratyush Khaitan. Plus, Bob Owens finds a moment of honesty.

YET ANOTHER UPDATE: Bill Roggio has more on Mumbai, including maps.

And Chester has poetry and questions.

MORE: Here’s a big roundup from Indian blog Varnam.